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Goodbye Mrs Psychoflops

Dussy Hoppers

Warren Scout
My beautiful ikkle wabbit was cruelly taken away from Mr Psychoflops and I on Friday 2nd June. She is missed so much. The way she used to bomb around the garden and do the wall of death up the fence will still be our :cry: happiest memory.

It all happened so suddenly. One day she was a happy binking bunny, the next she was sad and listless and having problems breathing. We thought it was snuffles, but it turned out to be her back teeth. They had formed spurs due to misalignment. These spurs had then caused an infection that very quickly spread into her tear ducts and upper respiritory tract. Even though she was treated immediately, she slowly went down hill. Her breathing got so bad that she could no longer eat. Once she stopped eating the end was in sight. She finally went to sleep in my arms with a little help from the vet.

She is now buried in her favourite spot in the garden and her spirit can live on in eternal happiness with no more suffering.

We miss you Jessie Psychoflops!

She's gorgeous. Especially cute in the snow :) I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :cry:

Binkie free Jessie xx
She is such a beautiful bunny! I know how much your heart aches especially being so sudden but she has no pain now.

So so sorry for your loss. We lost Sebby this weekend in a dog attack, so I know the pain you are going through. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx