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Free Weeds!


Mama Doe
No none on offer, and DEFINITELY not weeds minus the s!

Yesterday, I stumble-foraged as I needed to get some forage for the rabbits/guinea/tortoise. To go home, I cut through the allotments at the end of the road.

There, I met an allotment owner digging up some potatoes and got talking.

...and now I have permission to take whatever weeds I like from his allotment whenever I like! His sunflowers are also coming up soon and I can have those too.

Sometimes, you can meet some really kind people.

(But more often, I get people staring when I'm out foraging because they seem to forget they have a mouth on them and can ASK what I'm doing. Ugh.)
No none on offer, and DEFINITELY not weeds minus the s!

Yesterday, I stumble-foraged as I needed to get some forage for the rabbits/guinea/tortoise. To go home, I cut through the allotments at the end of the road.

There, I met an allotment owner digging up some potatoes and got talking.

...and now I have permission to take whatever weeds I like from his allotment whenever I like! His sunflowers are also coming up soon and I can have those too.

Sometimes, you can meet some really kind people.

(But more often, I get people staring when I'm out foraging because they seem to forget they have a mouth on them and can ASK what I'm doing. Ugh.)

Sounds good - one positive for today :D

I had someone ask me if I was foraging for mushrooms last time, and could I help her pick the non-poisonous ones :lol:
Sounds like a lovely man.
I often see people foraging for berry's around here, but I get some weird looks when picking nettles etc. I once had one lady come up to me and say it was lovely to see someone as young as me still making nettle soup... I did correct her, as I hate nettle soup and much prefer nettle wine.

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The weird comments always amuse me. Someone once asked if I was foraging for wild garlic... whilst I blatantly had a white dead nettle in my hand. :lol:

I'm also getting a reputation with some people. I'm the bunny lady now.

And yesterday, before I made it to the allotment, a kid yelled at me, "do you know what you're doing?" I shouted back, "Yes, yes I do." He apologised, embarrassed, and scurried off, without actually asking what I was doing. I was pulling at bindweed. :lol:
What a smashing bloke :D Of course any weeds that you remove from his plot will mean there's less for him to dispose of :lol:

But a very good find indeed!
What an amazing find. I was cutting birch leaves/branches the other day and someone hung out of the upstairs bedroom window and asked why i was trimming the trees. I explained and he look relieved so i asked what did he imagine i was doing, he said " i thought you were cutting the trees back so it would be easier to climb the fence" i said why would i climb a fence, he said RED FACED, you know to burgle. The shock on my face made him go puce. :lol: Its amazing what people imagine.
(But more often, I get people staring when I'm out foraging because they seem to forget they have a mouth on them and can ASK what I'm doing. Ugh.)
OH says the same, but he's pretty oblivious to people ;P He's met some woman on a bike who has guinea pigs so keeps asking me about what's safe for them to XD People have suggested he might be collecting for horses, goats, himself etc.: no-one's guessed correctly yet!

He helped a cyclist who'd fallen into the canal the other day: amazing what HAPPENS too!