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Worried about SS choking

I am considering perhaps going over to excel?

It's a really tricky one isn't it - personally my worry with that would be excess caecatrophs which seems to be more prevalent in excel-fed bunnies, especially in a dental bun who may not be able to get round and eat them...thus potentially increasing the risk of flystrike instead. But I guess the various risks will vary depending on each individual bun, how they tolerate different foods and which ones seem to give them more of a problem on eating.

I wonder if it is the larger size or the density which causes the choking? I might start breaking them up regardless

One of the original threads about choking bunnies also had a number of people (Jane included) saying that they had bunnies who had also choked on Allen and page. A&P is about as far removed as you can get from SS as far as size, shape and density of pellets go, so I don't think it's necessarily as simple as larger size = bad, it seems to be much more of an individual thing, with some struggling with the larger SS but others having problems with the smaller burgess, a&p or oxbow.
It's a really tricky one isn't it - personally my worry with that would be excess caecatrophs which seems to be more prevalent in excel-fed bunnies, especially in a dental bun who may not be able to get round and eat them...thus potentially increasing the risk of flystrike instead. But I guess the various risks will vary depending on each individual bun, how they tolerate different foods and which ones seem to give them more of a problem on eating.

One of the original threads about choking bunnies also had a number of people (Jane included) saying that they had bunnies who had also choked on Allen and page. A&P is about as far removed as you can get from SS as far as size, shape and density of pellets go, so I don't think it's necessarily as simple as larger size = bad, it seems to be much more of an individual thing, with some struggling with the larger SS but others having problems with the smaller burgess, a&p or oxbow.

Yes all very valid points. I haven't seen any signs of him struggling to get round to his bottom so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem if I make the decision to convert to Excel. But, SS does provide such a high fibre diet which he truly needs because of his lack of hay eating. I feel like I am going around in circles!!!

The best option really would be for him to eat fibafirst but I think this would be a difficult transition as he isn't 100% keen!
Yes all very valid points. I haven't seen any signs of him struggling to get round to his bottom so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem if I make the decision to convert to Excel. But, SS does provide such a high fibre diet which he truly needs because of his lack of hay eating. I feel like I am going around in circles!!!

The best option really would be for him to eat fibafirst but I think this would be a difficult transition as he isn't 100% keen!

If he has 100% no other choice he may just change his mind !!

Seriously though, if I could I would feed all mine Fibafirst, it really is the best of the best in my opinion.
I think when I switched I reduced their pellets and then gave FF at a different time of day and they viewed it as a treat. Then I just gradually phased out the pellets.
I think when I switched I reduced their pellets and then gave FF at a different time of day and they viewed it as a treat. Then I just gradually phased out the pellets.

I have tried this - four of mine jump for it but Woody just looks at me like: "What's that stuff, gimme my pellets woman!!"