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wooden floors and house bunny!


Young Bun
Hi there, i wonder if anyone can help me.

My hand reared house bun Norris will not walk on wooden floor to the extent that if placed on it he panics and jumps on the first object he can find or just sits there scared.

Norris is 7 years old very healthy and runs around fine on carpet and grass. I moved 4 years ago into a flat which is all wooden floor and had to use carpet tiles in one area just to get him to come out of his house and be a bit more active (he has a wooden house which he sleeps in and sits in a base where i add hey etc) This has been the only solution to get him to move around more as i can not afford to carpet the whole flat but I'm not happy and would love for him to run around more.

I have another house bun named Gloria and she runs around the whole flat fine. is there any way i can encourage Norris to do the same?

ive tried moving his food away from his area but he either goes with out or just puts his two front paws on the flaw and stretches to reach. I was hoping i could gradually move it further away (he does love his food) but as soon as he cant stretch to reach it he will just not bother attempting to get it.:cry:
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I have exactly the same problem as you, one who will and one who won't:lol: I can't carpet my place so have bought loads of big rugs from Ikea and reducing the amount of slippy floor seems to have helped.
its so strange isn't it! well i guess Gloria knows no different where as Norris use to have carpet. Its strange that he is so scared also.

i think i may need to purchase some rugs ;)
It is strange - who knows how bunnies' minds work?? I would definitely recommend Ikea, I got a lovely 6.5ft x 5ft rug for the middle of my lounge the other day and it was only 19 quid, bargain;)