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Why do they wee and poo everhwere!


New Kit
Help! I have got two bunnies, one male, one female, both of which are neutered. I got the male first and he was weeing in one particular place - fine. Then he was bonded with the female and now they sometimes use their toilet tray but have stated weeing and pooing in the living area of the hutch (which is on the floor area).

They are kept in the garage but I put paper and cardboard down so they are not straight on the concrete. I tried to put a toilet tray on the bottom level of the hutch but they just pull it out of the way and won't use it even though I put some of their poos in to encourage them to use it as a loo! I don't really know what to do as they won't use the toilet tray on the bottom level and only occasionally now use the tray where the male used to pee! What do I do! Any help would be more than appreciated!
we lost a girl bunny not long ago and the hutch was alot cleaner without her.
if you put alot of food in one place they will sit eat and poo.
try putting food near the litter tray this mite help