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Which would be better...?


Alpha Buck
Hello everyone!
Considering these 2 options for my new hutch + run - 6 x 2 x 2 hutch with a 6 x 6 front run which is on the patio or the same hutch with a 6 x 3 run with a tunnel to another 6 x 3 run on grass.
It depends on your personal preference. It it were to be on the grass you'd need to make sure it was predator proof so no pesky foxes could get under. Then bear in mind about what would happen when it rains ... would you let them on the grass?

Personally for ease I'd probably go for the 6x6 on concrete as it's a bigger space for them to binky on, as opposed to two smaller spaces.
I would agree, 6x6 run on patio....gives one larger space for binkies etc :thumb:

Would it be possible to give supervised free range access to the grass as-well?
Thought people would say the 6 x 6 which is fine as easier and cheaper. Just quite liked the option of rabbits having a choice of grass if wanted. Think a free standing, as suggested, for when supervised would be the next best option. Thanks for your views - helps me clarify what I'm thinking.
Definitely 6x6 so they can run around properly. Grass can be a curse if they get upset tummies :?