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Which hay?

I bought a mini bale of sweet scented meadow hay for my bun a couple of weeks ago and she has wolfed it down like it is going out of fashion.

I went back to purchase some more today and took a closer look at the writing on the cover and it seemed to suggest that this meadow hay was 'excellent bedding for the discerning rabbit owner'. There was no mention of it being a feed and now I'm worried that I've been feeding her hay that is only suitable for bedding :roll:

Can anyone enlighten me please?

I would add that her digestive system seems to be working extremely well and poops are frequent and normal.

I wish mine would eat the cheap stuff but Their Lordship's will only entertain the most expensive stuff I can buy. And now my local P@H has run out of the Scratch & Newton Herbal Hay and I've only got one bag left!!!! Yikes :shock:
Olly has opted for Timothy Hay from the Hay Experts. Fussy little beggar! He doesn't eat much though and when I try and cut back on the pellets he gets really thin (he is only 12 weeks old).
viktory. Olly really should be free fed pellets at 12 weeks old. He's still growing and needs the protein which are in his pellets to help him grow. If you restrict him at 12 weeks he could have all sorts of problems when he's older. Start reducing his pellets when he's about 5-6 months old.

Broadmeadow Bunnies
I've ordered the samples from hay experts because mine have decided to poo poo the hay they usually get. HOPEFULLY they'll find one they do like when that arrives :roll:
I've also had to order the Hay Experts sample pack for my little fussy beggar - she's a right cheeky one - completely turns her nose up at the Excel Herbage but seems to be taking a liking to the Oat, Wheat and Barley pack - she has expensive tastes!!
Thor gets Western Timothy from Dust Free Hay. He occasionally gets a sprinkle of Readigrass too :)

I was thinking about ordering the american timothy from Dust Free Hay as well, as I can't really afford Oxbow timothy (the 1.1kg bag from the vet costs more than £8!!!)...
So you recommend it? From the pictures on the website it looks exactly like the Oxbow timothy... very green. And it's £ 22.99 for 4 kilos, right? Sounds like a bargain for less than £6 a kilo!
Molly and Eliot also like Burgess' Supa Herbage, but the last time I went to the shop the bags they had looked old and there was no trace of green...
I went to Dust Free Hay yesterday and bought a box of the American Timothy. It's beautiful - really green and lush. And at £8 for 2kg, it's pretty good value too. Also bought 10 sacks of dust free soft. It all seems to be to their liking so far!
Mine just got their first coarse hay from Dust Free Hay, too and they seem to love it. It comes in hessian sacks too so I've liend the walls of the shed with it for extra insulation - and it looks great! I'll find a way of recycling those sacks, too...

That said, they'll eat Wilko's cheapest straw bedding as happily as they'll eat the most expensive hay...

Also recently had some of the Timothy Hay from The Hay Experts and they both loved it!
Mine just got their first coarse hay from Dust Free Hay, too and they seem to love it. It comes in hessian sacks too so I've liend the walls of the shed with it for extra insulation - and it looks great! I'll find a way of recycling those sacks, too...

That said, they'll eat Wilko's cheapest straw bedding as happily as they'll eat the most expensive hay...

Also recently had some of the Timothy Hay from The Hay Experts and they both loved it!

What a great idea for re-using the sacks. Have you just stapled them to the shed walls?