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What's the most popular bunny name on RU?

I don't think anybody else has called their rabbits Slipper, Jacquetta or Lady Katherine either. I'm pretty sure Blackavar will have popped up somewhere before and I know there's another Blueberry.

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I have a sister called jacquetta :)
I think there was only one Artie (mine :love:) when I joined but somebody joined with a bun called Artie about a couple of years ago.

I don't know if there's another Elijah but I know of an Eli (BattleKat)

I didn't name Anakin (had to have the name explained to me) but I've seen of another bun called Anakin on Twitter.. named by a Starwars fan.

Are there any other Eloises? (Bunnies, that is, there's a very cute human Eloise of course).
We've got a boy called Willow and a Tallulah. Also got a Daisy too. Some of our less common bunny names are Zazou, Zoom and Seren, also got Duck and Parsnip, Pringle, Mole, Bear, Holly, Halo, Squirrel, Tickle, Zebedee (only has one back leg),Thumper (already named when we had him) Bunby, Angel, Sootica, Teazle, Dooty, Tiptoes, and Miss Maloo. Is that 24? :shock:
I have a bella, stripe and bugs full name bugalugs don't think theres any other buns with them names
I have a Huey, haven't seen another one I don't think. But I also have a Daisy :lol: I have a Milly and I know that is a popular name too.