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What the HECK is his problem!!!!???


Warren Scout
Oz has been a VERY Angry bun the last few days and I don't know why and i'm starting to get concerned. He's eating and drinking and pooping and peeing. Hes been on a new brand of Timothy Hay for a few weeks and that hasnt seemed to cause any problems. I havn't fed him anything new recently except a pea pod, ONE pea pod a few days ago. Theres a new blanket on the couch and I have a few new sweaters, theres a few new cardboard chew toys have entered his environment, but otherwise, nothing has changed.

He's being a pain in my ass!!! All he does all day long is chew on the bars of his cage like he DESPERATLY wants out, and when I let him out, he seems OKAY, he'll run and binky and be fine. But whenever i go to do anything with him he's SOOO mad. I'll go to give him a nose rub and he'll tollerate a few then he's grunting and biting me. And it's not just a nip its a bite. Or I walk around the run and he chases me and bites my pants, or if i sit ont eh floor he has to jump all over me and bite and grunt. He seems VERy displeased and I'm concerned and quite frankly quite heartbroken.

He's started chewing things he normally doesnt, and ignoring the rules. He's BEEN neutered fo over a month. He was transported over christmas but he handled the car rides very well and those were over a week ago so I'm not sure why he'd be mad now, but he seems to hate me. I spend time with him. I talk to him, i hold him, i give him nose rubs, i feed him. And he's let out of his cage for at least a few hours a day.

What's going on! Please give any advice you can, I have no idea wha'ts happening.:cry::cry:
It could be territorial? Sometimes their hormoans do take a while to settle down after being neutered.
I would say the best thing to do would maybe be to let Oz come to you a bit more, rather than going to him, he will then start to wonder why you are not showing him so much attention?
OR I have once heard that you can use reverse psychology on bunnies so maybe try that?
He may also be annoyed that the new items do not smell like him and think too many things have changed, maybe try rubbing things that smell of him on to the new blanket and jumpers.
He does not have a wife, and that is something I've concidered. Just need to get my roomates to agree to it. Once I changed my sweater he was a little less gruntey but still biting and seemed angry. I usually do let him come to me. He has free reign of the house, and he can come jump on the couch to see me, or i'll lay or sit on the floor and hell climb over me. I'm just not sure. I wonder if I should bring him to the vet, maybe hes not feeling well, but the anger is the only symptom so i dont know what could be wrong.. I jsut dont know.
It does sound like he is upset about something. Julie hates change to her environment or food. She lives in the kitchen and hates if I move anything around. She doesn't bite just throws things and thumps. Have you changed his food or moved his cage or furniture in the house? What about roommates? Are there any new ones or different people coming and going in the house? Have you come in contact with anything that might have a strong new oder.....like a friend's cat or dog?
Well, i got 2 new sweaters (one of which I was wearing today) None of the furniature has been moved, a new person DID come to meet him the day before yesterday. No new roomates, just us 3 that have loved him from day one. Not much else has really changed. His pellets are the same, his hay changed but has been the same for 2-3 weeks and he's been okay with it. There IS a new blanket on the couch, but its laying beside and often on or under another blanket that he's pee'd on a few times (don't worry I washed it ;)) But it does probably smell different. We moved a few things inside cupboards but he can't tell that.

He's not shrieking or acting much different or sneezing too much or has a wet nose or anything that indicates pain. So maybe he's just not liking the new smells or is lonely, or...
AS well as the other suggestions, could he be in any pain?

That does make sense. Some animals do get really mad when they have pain not understanding what is going on. My mom's cat was in a lot of pain a while back. The only symptom was she would beat up and try to kill the other cat. The Vet checked both cats and found the problem. It was very painful and it seems that if the other cat was near when she was in pain she beat him up bad.
I suppose pain is possible. But right now, he seems alright. It's not a constant state. At least it doesnt appear to be to me. He hasn't gone after me in a while. Maybe it's just the new smells so he doesnt know who he knows right now so he's scared? Since i've put my other sweater on he has calmed down some.
Does his eye sight and hearing seem normal?


As the night went by he calmed right down. I think it's the new smells. I'll try washing the new items a few times, and wearing them and other things he's been in contact with, and see if that helps. But after i put on a different, old sweater and just hung out and let him do his thing, he was MUCH better. So I'm guessing it was just the smells.