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what is wrong with REWs?

i used to never like them at all...and then Jelly had her babies 2 years ago and there was THREE rews..needless to say i fell in love with them

I personally cannot see anything wrong with REW's but cannot understand why that if they find it difficult to sell REW's why does this company buy them?

If is was a supermarket and one flavour of youghurt repeatedly didn't sell they would stop buying them in.

thats what i was thinking, but one of my friends has got a job there, and I asked her where they got the stock from and she said 'i have no idea, they come in these big white vans, whith millions of animals in them' :cry::cry:
Im guessing they come from those intensive pet farms where thousands of them are bred and sold on.
maybe they just ask for 'small breed' or 'medium breed' and they get whats given :?
I have a rew who came from Barc... Casper... he is the most gentle and adorable bun in the world :)

My Dilbert was 'casper' before we adopted him, alot of people say he looks evil but he's adorable to me, must admit he looks a bit scary when the light catches his eye a certain way but i love him to bits :love:

How can anyone say he's evil???:shock:

