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What do people use for litter?


Young Bun
can I just ask what everyone uses as litter. We started with normal cat litter but changed to paper litter as I read that the mineral stuff is bad for bun and I saw ours eating it.

Trouble is in this hot weather I want to change it regularly and it is SO expensive. I bought a little cat sieve but the rabbits poos just fall through it (small bunnies, small poos!). I resorted to sorting by hand yesterday - LOVELY!

Any other ideas would be welcome
Hello - I use Megazorb. It is really absorbent and I pay about £5.75 for a huge bag, which lasts me about a month (I have three bunnies). Claire x
I also use Megazorb now but when I had my house bun I used wood based odour neutralising litter but now all 5 have megazorb and its a bargain!!!!!!!!! :D
I used to use Carefresh but Audrey ate it and it is expensive so now I use finely chopped up straw from Wilkos- its very absorbent and works really well.
I use megazorb, but well covered with a layer of straw then hay, to stop them eating it accidentally.

After a vet telling me that my buns were ingesting Megazorb, I started just using hay. But the litter trays were absolutely disgusting, even emptying them twice a day. Seems to be working well with the megazorb well hidden though.

I couldn't get any Megazorb this week so I got some Hemcore instead. It's not very nice stuff though, so am looking forward to getting Megazorb back.
I use shavings covered by hay, very cheap but really only suitable for outside buns as the shavings get everywhere inside
Megazorb for me. I normally pick up an 80kg sack at an equine supplies place for under a fiver, but even buying online and adding on the postage charge(up to £7.00!!) it's still way cheaper than carefresh..and is more absorbant too. I've never seen my bunsters eat it, but after reading someone on here had noticed their rabbits nibbling on it I now cover it with bedding straw just to be on the safe side.
ive been considering using a different litter, we seem to go through so much PAH wood based litter! does anyone know somewhere in the manchester area i can get this Megazorb from? other than online
I've always used the wood based pellets but have recently tried Megazorb after seeing everyone raving about it. I don't actually think its as good at absorbing odour as the wood pellets from Pets at Home though.
Thanks so much everyone. I have just ordered a bag of Megazorb online from Greenmule. It was £4.60 + £4.99 postage. I thought this seemed a lot until I looked at the 15L bag of paper litter and saw that I paid £7 for it at the local garden centre!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, one of the sites I looked at said that it shouldn't harm you bunny if it eats it (bunnybasics I think it was).
Megazorb for me. I normally pick up an 80kg sack at an equine supplies place for under a fiver, but even buying online and adding on the postage charge(up to £7.00!!) it's still way cheaper than carefresh..and is more absorbant too. I've never seen my bunsters eat it, but after reading someone on here had noticed their rabbits nibbling on it I now cover it with bedding straw just to be on the safe side.

I think that should be in Ltrs not Kg!!!:roll: Sorry..it's been a long and tiring week!;)
Saz, that's a very competitive price... is it for the 75 or 84 bag?
By the way, one of the sites I looked at said that it shouldn't harm you bunny if it eats it (bunnybasics I think it was).

Well, I think it was me that started the debate, as my bunnies are constantly getting GI stasis. When my normal vet was on holiday, a useless one who I don't trust at all suggested that she'd found megazorb in the poos, therefore it was a bad idea to use that sort of thing.

Whilst I didn't think it was the cause of the problem, I decided it wasn't really worth the risk, and realised that it was very possible for them to eat it accidentally with the hay. But now I bury it totally, and the buns never 'get that far' into their litter trays, but it still does its absorbent work at the bottom! :)

I use for Poppy 's litter in her cage .

Wood Shavings brought from Pet's at home and Straw from pets at home also.

I put Wood shavings down first then the Straw on top.

but she eats the straw as she likes it and it helps her teeth to keep warn down. :)
but also she diggs and scrap's at the wood shavings and straw and kicks it about in her cage not only that it ends up also out side her cage to she realy makes a mess with it .
when she goes back in her cage . :? :? :? :(
I use wood shavings, then Messy kicks it all out. Then tried straw and she kicked it all out. Then hay, and she kicks it all out. Then shredded newspaper, and she kicks it all out!!!!!! Good job she's adorable.