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What could it be?


Warren Scout
I'm still trying to get Bella (thumper) introduced to new food. I'm doing the change very slowly by mixing 80/20% new food. She has a small piece of basil as a treat everyday.
At her previous home they fed her Tescos blue stripe Rabbit and guinea pig food if they couldnt even afford that they just threw a few bits of carrots in her hutch. So I'm trying to ween her off this cheapo mix there is still a little in the bag remaining but am worried this is what is giving her the diorreah. The poo is extreme its huge, sometime bigger than molly my kitties poo, and it gets very hard and stuck to her it smells and I do worry.

Is it poss it is the cheap food? should I just change it right away?
Help please

Molly Kitten, Benjamin, Merlin, and beautiful Ruby....My Angels
could you try hay only for a few days then introduce the new food in tiny amounts each day until her tummy settles.. doesnt sound like the old food is doing her any good. poor soul :(
Im worried she would be hungry She tends to just lob her hay about the place :roll:

Molly Kitten, Benjamin, Merlin, and beautiful Ruby....My Angels
I had the same worries :)

I cut the museli out of the diet all together and gave Flopsie almost only hay all day. I had to buy Excel Supa Forage though, and a hay rack because he would just sit on the pets at home hay all day and barely eat it. I still gave him a tablespoon of pellets on a morning and have cut veg out for a little while til he settles down.

There are loads of threads on here about how people tempt bunnies with hay.

You can order a sample pack on Hay experts to find out what hay your bunny likes best :)
Some cheaper mixes have a lot of additives/colourings which really muck up the digestive system. To be honest the only reason you wean them on to food is to avoid upset tummies, so if the old food is doing that anyway I'd stop using that and give her loads of hay (maybe something interesting like Excel Forage or Herbage) and start her on a pellet feed, again the Super Rabbit Excel Pellets are ideal, she won't need to have a lot of this anyway; her diet should be mostly hay.

Also it may help her tummy if you can get some Pro C and Probiotic Powder (they sell it in PAH), this is a vit c, probiotic and soluble fibre mix that you add to the water. It's great for settling digestive systems and getting them back on track! :D