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What are the signs of a bereaved Bunny


New Kit
I lost my little Flump on Friday, which has left Rita a widow:cry:
She's eating, drinking and washing, which I presume is a good sign, but seems to be a little lost.
What are the signs of her not coping with her loss? Should I get her another friend, and if so how long or how soon should I get one.

I'm also wondering if I'm reading too much into her behaviour as I'm gutted that he's gone, and feel really sorry for her!
I'm very sorry for your loss :cry:

No I don't think you are reading too much into it at all. Rabbits are very social creatures and make very strong bonds, and therefore experience separation very profoundly. Did Rita get a chance to spend some time with Flump's body? When it is possible to do so this can help the bunny left behind, but it isn't always practical in every situation.
I think Rita's behaviour sounds like grief and separation which is all very normal for a widowed bun. As long as she is eating and drinking then just keep a close eye on her and give her lots of comfort. Some people find a soft rabbit toy helps some grieving buns - something to groom etc.
As for when the right time to bond with a new bun is? That depends on the bunny. Sometimes buns respond very well and perk up with a new rabbit asap, even if it is too soon for the owner to move on, but other buns need a little more time. I think you will need to play it by ear, although I would be inclined to start thinking about a new bunny for Rita, even if it is too early for you. I'm very sorry for your loss :cry: RIP Flump x
Im sorry about Flump. I personally could not bear to see my bun grieving and would have to see the rescues for a companion - even though it will be so hard for me.

RIP little Flump x x
Aww. Sorry about your loss. :(

I've never lost a bunny before (as the two I have now are my first), but when I lost my dog, my sister getting a dog (whom I see frequently and take for walks), really helped me to get over my loss. [I'm thinking only of you here, as I've no experience of grieving buns.]
Breaved Bunny

Thanks for your replies, Yes Rita did get to spend time with him, as i found him at the bottom of their hutch :(

I'm still not sure about getting her a little friend.
Hi, we are in the same situation as we lost Bonnie on Sunday leaving behind Henry. We are struggling with the idea of looking for a new freind for Henry as it's too soon for us but we know we have to put Henry first.