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Well-Better late then never!

I have been posting for about a month, and realized I never did introduce myself.

Hi! I'm Jenna! :wave:

In August, I purchased my first bun, Captain. He was a Holland Lop. My darling boy was the world to me, unfortunately, from what the vet thinks were congenital defects, he experienced regular seizures and this past week he passed away. I miss him and love him terribly, and always will.

I didn't think I'd love my Captain to the extent I do- but he literally stole my heart. I also thought I couldn't ever get another bun.

However, my husband has decided that it would be beneficial to welcome another to our home, and as such he is picking a certain little one up tomorrow. A bit soon maybe, I think, but I can't argue that loving another small friend can't exactly hurt, or tarnish my memory of my first rabbit.

Our new bunny is a Dwarf Bunny (we think! they seem to think he's a Holland Lop but I don't believe it!) and if anyone would like to help name our furball we're taking names! (he's white and grey speckled like snow!)

Other than that, I'm a student of history, teaching, and German and a waitress and I seem to have no downtime and too much all at once!

It's a pleasure to meet you all!
hello, welcome! i'm sorry you lost captain. hope your newbun finds a name....maybe ... whisper? we have a whisper on the board already but there may be room for another...
Hiya! Don't forget photos!




Hello & welcome. So sorry about Captain :cry: Sleep tight little one.

Your new bun looks an absolute sweetie - have you decided on a name yet? :D
Hello & welcome. So sorry about Captain :cry: Sleep tight little one.

Your new bun looks an absolute sweetie - have you decided on a name yet? :D

We have! It's Puck!

And he's a sweetie in his own way-but he's very much so a trouble maker! He chews on EVERYTHING including us D:

Also he's pretty stubborn when it comes to learning the litterbox!

But we adore him :D