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We have a threesome :-) but one last question?


Alpha Buck
I have successfully bonded a threesome and I am rather happy :)

I have one last query:

They have been together a week tonight and they are now in the garden bonded into Alfie and Lotties hutch.

Last night I heard a lot of chasing (there hasnt been one fight in about four days now) and Harley and Alfie were chasing each other.

I got them both out one at a time and they were fine except I noticed Alfie had quite a bit of fur missing from his bum when I look closer, he has teeth marks all in his bum (dried blood), - do you think this is somethign to worry about. I havent seen any fighting - only cuddling and grooming.

I didnt see any fresh marks.
did you thoroughly clean and neutralise the hutch before putting them back in?

well done on the bonding!
Congrats on bonding a threesome, tough job! Rabbits tend to nip on the hind quarters when they're establishing dominance. Its a way of bossing eachother around and it sounds like Harleys been getting alot of it!
I'd suggest cleaning the area with cooled down boiling water with abit of salt in it (wont harm him when he licks it) twice a day to clean it and so that u can keep an eye on it and make sure abcesses dont form. If it gets worse or you cant see the wounds properly because of his fur, take him to the vet for a proper examination to be on the safe side. And hope that in the meantime the nipping stops!