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Vibes for Paddy please

Poor guy, I hope he is feeling better soon.

I would say he is definitely showing signs of pain in the vid. Sitting very "upright" is what Fiver does when his arthritis is bothering him. He acts in a lot of pain, eyes half-lidded and occasionally grinds his teeth, but then perks up and runs around, hops on things and eats fine. It took me ages to figure out what was wrong with him because his symptoms were so vague. If the gut stimulants don't help, I'd ask the vet to check his back and hips, maybe.
Bless him. Lots of vibes that the gut stimulant does it's job and he's feeling better sooner.
Thanks everyone, he does look in pain in that video doesn't he? :( I have just fed him and he got tucked in about his food right away. He also snaffled some dandelion leaves earlier.

Jane the vet felt his body all over for potential injuries but he said short of doing an ray we would not know for definite. Do you think it looks like he has a physical injury?

Paddy did a wee on his towel in the carrier which the vet looked at and deemed to be of normal colour and consistency but apart from feeling the general undercarriage area his bladder was not especially checked. Are you thinking of a blockage like calcium or crystals?
Is it possible he's had a stroke? How old is Paddy?
Poor guy. I'm so sorry he's not well. Sending tonnes of vibes for him. xxxxxxxxx
Is it possible he's had a stroke? How old is Paddy?
Poor guy. I'm so sorry he's not well. Sending tonnes of vibes for him. xxxxxxxxx

He is only 1 year old but he might be inbred, the rescue were concerned this might be the case. He had a seizure last year and recovered well after a steroid injection and a course of panacur. But there may be something underlying. When he was at the vet, he ran around on the floor as normal and did not display the shifting or lying down.

Here are the other two videos I took.

I does look like stasis, that slight uncomfortable shuffling on the spot is something my girl used to do, she suffered frequent bouts of stasis for no apparent reason.

I hope it turns out to be stasis & that the treatment he's had already does the trick :) vibes for Paddy xx
Well they both looked pretty chill in the second vid...the third he's a bit more lively. :)
Really hope it's just a stasis episode. More vibes on the way for Paddy. xxxx
Thanks everyone, he does look in pain in that video doesn't he? :( I have just fed him and he got tucked in about his food right away. He also snaffled some dandelion leaves earlier.

Jane the vet felt his body all over for potential injuries but he said short of doing an ray we would not know for definite. Do you think it looks like he has a physical injury?

Paddy did a wee on his towel in the carrier which the vet looked at and deemed to be of normal colour and consistency but apart from feeling the general undercarriage area his bladder was not especially checked. Are you thinking of a blockage like calcium or crystals?

He *might* have hurt his back. His GI tract hypomotility being a secondary symptom associated with pain elsewhere. 'Stasis' is seldom a stand alone illness, there is almost always a primary cause. So a diagnosis of 'just gut stasis' can be a bit misleading.

Once the injection of Metacam kicked in any back pain he *might* have had could have eased up, hence he himself became brighter and more active. If the *possible* injury is muscular then an Xray wont be of any help.

Is the position he puts his hind legs in when sitting normal for him ?

Hopefully this is a one off incident and he will make a good recovery. I'd be vigilant of how him manages jumping on and off different levels as that *might* have been how he hurt himself *if infact he has*
He *might* have hurt his back. His GI tract hypomotility being a secondary symptom associated with pain elsewhere. 'Stasis' is seldom a stand alone illness, there is almost always a primary cause. So a diagnosis of 'just gut stasis' can be a bit misleading.

Once the injection of Metacam kicked in any back pain he *might* have had could have eased up, hence he himself became brighter and more active. If the *possible* injury is muscular then an Xray wont be of any help.

Is the position he puts his hind legs in when sitting normal for him ?

Hopefully this is a one off incident and he will make a good recovery. I'd be vigilant of how him manages jumping on and off different levels as that *might* have been how he hurt himself *if infact he has*

Thank you for checking the video and for this. Initially it was the shifting and slow eating that led to think of stasis/gut issue but when he started to eat I thought I could rule that out. It is quite subtle but int he first video it is the way he moves and holds himself that makes me suspicious. A back injury would make a lot of sense.
I went to see him early this morning and he stretched out again on his balcony and he let me stroke him for a moment or two before jumping up and becoming active and seemingly normal again. He lost no time in eating his breakfast and I let him out for a quick play more to see his movement but he was bouncy and eager. I filmed him again so I can upload it to show how he is getting on.

The fact he was lying down is unusual for him but it may be due to the warmth from his heatpad and perhaps he was just sleeping. But I have not really seen him do that since he was a housebunny:? I keep checking him but so far he seems normal. I felt all along his spine and the sides of his back but I can't feel anything that feels different (when I compare him to his mate, Tessa). He is still jumping on and over things too. There is no vocal noise or obvious sign of pain or discomfort but given what you said I will keep a very close eye on him. I am not sure whether I should give him some metacam as a matter of course but I will phone the vet and ask just to make sure and I will tell him your theory about his back.

I don't know if it is similar but two years ago Orla had some sort of injury on her arm, she kept biting it and limping but an x ray did not reveal anything, her bones were deemed strong and well formed. She was put on a course of metacam and she recovered after a couple of weeks and has never done it since but we were concerned it was a muscle or ligament injury which was not visible or possible to feel or detect so I wonder if the same has happened to Paddy.
I forgot to answer your question Jane :oops:

I think in the first video it looks as though Paddy's back legs are further forward than normal but I am finding it hard to tell. That is the main thing though. I have included some photos taken this year, all before yesterday to show his posture when he sits up. In on eof them he does put the back legs further forward but I think that is more for reaching food.

I can block his levels off in the meantime to stop any further injury if that is what has happens. Maybe I should give him a step or a ramp longterm. He used to have ramp but he ate the sides of it so I took it away but in hindsight that was probably a mistake.
Paddy was lying down again this afternoon and he let me stroke him again. But after a few seconds he decided he had had enough and he got up so you can see his posture when as he gets up and what he does after that.

Its really hard to make an accurate assessment from photos, but in the last ones he does look to be uncomfortable and he also seems to have lost quite a lot of weight compared to the previous photos ??

Did the Vet also check his ears ? Not just a cursory look, but a proper look with an otoscope ? Left ear in particular as in a few shots, both photo and video, he has been scratching his left ear.