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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Vets or not?


Alpha Buck
Hey, just wondering if you can advise me as to whether they need to go to the vets now or can it wait until their pre booked appointment on the 5th October (just to be weighed and teeth checked)

I have noticed when smoothing Fudge from his head down the centre of his back a spot - its about 5cm from the base of his neck (can't think of any other way to describe it) I have tried seperating the skin but I can't see anything but I can feel it. Ellie has smaller one but feels more like a scab (I'm rubbish at describing)

I don't want to be a paranoid mummy but I also don't want to miss anything serious either
Are you sure it's not one of their spinal vetebrae that you can feel? Or perhaps an old vaccination site and scar tissue? If both buns have it then I would think it more likely that it is part of their normal anatomy or something they have both had...e.g. vaccinations perhaps both had Cylap? Have they ever had sub-cut fluids or other injections?
Are they both eating, drinking and pooping ok and seem well in themselves? If so I should think they will be ok until the 5th, or perhaps you could just bring their routine appointment forward a little and kill two birds with one stone as it were?
Could you post pictures? Have they had vaccinations recently?

I think that if you are concerned then its always better to get a vet check. Follow your gut instinct on it and you won't go wrong.
Thanks for the replies, they both had their vhd injections on the 1st September.

I don't think its the spinal vetebrae as it is definately more like a lump, Ellie's is a lot smaller and she has a few of them, whereas Fudge just has the one. They are both well, eating and pooping fine, generally being their normal naughty selves.

The appointment in a few weeks is to just check their weights to see if their health is going the correct way ready for their neutering/spaying operations in November and to check Fudge's teeth as I lost his brother to an abcsess - so we are being extra careful with him - just in case.
it is probably a reaction to the jabs..if the vet does not massage the area after injection you can sometimes get a reaction which results in a lump..aslong as it doesn't break the skin and/or become infected it should go on its own
However if you are are all worried or lumps grow then they should be checked by a vet
Thanks, Ill just keep an eye on them and if it gets any worse - I'll get them straight to the vets

paranoia slowly leaving my body :D