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URGENT PTS 31/10/08 ST. Augustine


Wise Old Thumper
Posted on behalf William

There is 2 rabbits at the St. Augustine humane society that is closing and they (along with all the cats and dogs not yet adopted) will be put to sleep on Oct 31st. I thought it would be worth a try to post a topic on here to see if anyone could adopt them. So if you could post a topic on that in the Rabbits in need section that would be great.

All I know about the rabbits is that one is big (weighs about 10 pounds) and white. The other black and weighs about 5 pounds. I have a pic of each of them. They are said to be very sweet, especially the black one.
I am sure Happyhopping has friends in florida, maybe he can help, will be him :(
aww im in the uk.. otherwise i would say bring them here as i would make room..... :( hope that someone saves them x
If you need American members you could try posting on www.rabbitsonline.net because they are predominantly American and have a rehome section, and generally if a rabbit is posted on there in need, it finds a home.
what the hell!? Why on earth are they killing all the animals!?

Can't they transfer them somewhere?!

ARG! People are so heartless!!! :evil::censored:

Oh all the animals :cry: I'm upset now, it is so horrible that so many animals are going to die for simply being unwanted :cry::cry:

You can see from this thread that Marlene mentioned she has some "American Friends" while she's visiting FL.

I'll contact her


EDIT: I think Marlene can help. After all, her local American friends should be able to spread out the words, and get their local Florida friends and relatives to help out.

However, I know Marlene is busy lately, and doesn't check email daily. Who has her phone no. and call her directly?
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Yep they are closing :cry:

We are closing on the 31st and we do still have two rabbits left for adoption. Let me know if you need further info or stop by the shelter anytime Tues –Fri 10-6 or Sat 10-5.

Thanks for caring!

Cindy M. Bishop

Executive Director

Florida East Coast Humane Society

1665 Old Moultrie Rd

St Augustine, FL 32084

904-829-2737 ext 19