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Urgent help please! Fly eggs

Sounds like you're keeping a close eye on her already, but if she has urine staining I would always think of the possibility of EC too.

Has she been Panacur'd recently? IF not, its worth doing at least a 9 day course to halt any symptoms in its tracks, and if the urine staining eases off, then continue to a 28 day course to ensure that the EC is eradicated.

On another aside - we have found that flies tend to lay eggs on rabbits that are vulnerable, even though we can't always immediately see what the problem is.

It might be worth having a bunny MOT at the vets to be on the safe side. I know you said money is tight, but early recognition of symptoms can save so much distress.
Thank you, I will panacur her, I've actually never done it before (I know there's debate over whether it should be used routinely.) She's at the vets regularly and she definitely comes under the vulnerable category with dental and respiratory problems and the fact that she's getting on in age. I'll be sure to keep a v close eye on her over the next few days and take her straight to the vet if I'm concerned.
Has Elsa ever had ec? Virtually every bunny I've known which has had flies lay eggs on them randomly (I.e. not because of a large mass of faeces etc) has been an ec bunny - I don't know if it makes the urine particularly attractive or something...it's an unsubstantiated theory of mine. As she has some urinary problems I would discuss it as a possibility with your vet in any case, as incontinence can be a symptom of ec.

Good luck, hope your little one is ok x x

just to mention that we had a fly strike case that was not EC - he was just elderly. he had an eye infection at the time but they still laid on the bit between the tail and back. (we caught it immediately as saw the fly acting strangely!)
Just did another check. Think there was about 3 eggs, definitely no maggots.

It's such a concern- she's definitely attracting flies recently. Fingers crossed the panacur might help, have just taken a pic of the staining which I may post later- it really is v minimal!
Just checked her again. No further eggs. I dread to think what I might have found this morning had I not spotted the eggs early yesterday.

Scent glands cleaned and about to get some panacur, fingers crossed this will be the end of the fly problems.
There is a certain type of fly that lays it's eggs on an animal, and when the eggs hatch the worms get under the skin and suck on the blood of the animal, which might be what the eggs are about. If that happens take out the worm and put some medicine on the wound, and cover the wound, then he should be fine.
Aww she's lovely.
I love their wee manes.
I'm glad its all looking good, good thing you caught it early, the white hair really is a problem.