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update on my new rehomed bunny


Warren Scout
I posted yesterday to say how hard I am finding getting my girlie out of her hutch, this morning she growled, kicked all her bedding everywhere, threw her food bowl around, I did after a few mins managed to stroke her on her back she set off again so I withdrew my hand, talked to her and coaxed her, she didnt want any treats, she then sat with her back to me, I stroked her again and after a while she let me lift her out.....phew! seemed like it took along time to me but it was only 5 mins.....I asked hubs to find out abit more about her, he asked his work mate, and it turns out that she has been living in a kitchen/utility room and not the hutch! I am hoping that she will eventually trust me! is weird cause she is adorable once she is in the house, I get loads of licks and she sits with me and nuzzles me.....its just that she hates being got out of her run and hutch! any more advice is appreicated, thanks to all of you who replied yesterday, it makes me feel less of a wally! :)
I am trying to find out if she has had any jabs or weither she has been spayed, but hubs doesnot see his work mate as they are oftern on opposite shifts...:) I think she must be 3-4 years old.
Heya - didn't see your thread yesterday but I'm guessing people have said she's being territorial and needs spaying? That's what I'd suggest :)
If she's used to being in the house it could be that she's sulking about being outside? Buns are very capable of making their feelings felt. It does also sound as though she could need spaying?? Keep us updated on your progress, but do persevere, they sometimes just take time to settle down.