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Un-neutered Males Peeing Habits!- How do you keep them in the house!???


Warren Veteran
I brought one of my un-neutered males in sunny as he has had poorly teeth and needed additional care and monitoring. I put him in a dog crate temporarily and he managed to pee sooooooooo much outside the crate all over the floor. I couldn't believe one rabbit could make so much mess in such a short space of time. How does anyone cope with indoor male bunnys. My females are amazing. All my males are just messy!! lol. He decided not to use the litter tray and go straight on my lino instead.

I can't understand how anyone can live with a male bunny. Granted they have gentler temperaments than their female counterparts, but the smell of bunny wee and binkying wee everywhere is no fun. I don't envy anyone who keeps a male bunny indoors.

Does neutering help immensely? I hope so. I'm doing this with all my bunnys at the moment. Are some rabbits just more happy to pee all over than others. In fairness when i had shadow and stripe in for neutering overnight, they were pretty good. They do seem to have calmed down alot and i think this is helping with urinating habits they have had in the past.

I'd love to have my male bunnys as part of the family sometimes, but i don't think i could bear the smell, i'd be on constant clean up duty in the house. I'm like that outside now, but i'm not sure i could handle it indoors. Does anyone end up with rabbits smells in the house after keeping male bunnys indoors? My female is great indoors, no bad odours and always goes in her tray rather than on my kitchen floor.

What experiences do other people have with males indoors?
Ambience x
My males are impeccably clean. Smudge was even before his neuter amazingly. Neutering does help immensely. As it's a space he's unused to he was probably marking it which is a lot worse when not neutered.
Louie was indoors from 10 weeks and littertrained immediately :D Very clean, always goes in his tray.

He was neutered at 16 weeks and continued in his neat and clean ways!
Neutering makes a huge difference. Male bunnies are super and very clean - they just need the chop in most cases!
I grew up with unneutered males spraying everything including me. Every neutered buck I have had as an adult has been good as gold. :)
All your male is doing is marking his territory, neutering should help considerably to stop this. the younger they are to be neutered the less likely this becomes a learned behaviour.