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Training rabbit to come to his name


New Kit

Does anyone have any tips on the best way of training my rabbit to come when I call his name? Or at least so that he knows what his name is?

Bribary!! :roll: :lol: My lot come running if they think food's involved - anything other than that and they're not interested!!
Yes, I agree with Chloe. My two came haring towards me when I call because I always had food for them when I called their names. Friends are always very impressed but it's just cupboard love!!
I agree - I have a special tone of voice that I only use when calling the rabbits for a treat, and it takes less than a day for them to learn this. I never use that tone when there is no treat in the offing. I had one rabbit that always came, guaranteed; one that would come when the other one started running towards me and drew his attention to it, and the ones I have now will come if there is nothing more exciting going on. I expect it depends on the greediness of the rabbit.

One of my rabbits has also learnt to jump over a jump, partly in response to a command (although I think it is the tone and rhythm rather than the word) (there is always a treat for him on the other side of the jump).