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Too much hay???


Mama Doe
I'm a new owner and wondering if a rabbit can have too much hay??

Tibbs was never really a hay eating rabbit - she would nibble a little bit, but was probably eating around 1-2 handfuls a day.
I recently got some lovely farm hay from the sanctuary I volunteer at, and now she is getting through 4-6 handfuls a day!! :shock: I gave her a large handful approx 20mins ago, and she's nearly through it already! Is this normal??

She is also drinking ALOT more water too, but could this just be because the hay is drier in her tummy?

Just wondering if anyone can help me?

Hiya!! Bunnies diets should be mostly hay!! A few pellets,abit of veg and more hay.I think the drinking of water is what is needed after hay...quite normal.xxxx
I know I'm probably worrying unnecesarily, but it just seemed like such a big change in her behaviour - just shows how much difference good hay makes.
Sounds like you found some great hay. I wish I could find some that my bunnies love. And yes it's normal for them to drink more water when they are eating more hay :)
what hay did you use before? shop hays such as pets at home hays is nasty good hay smells sweet fresh with a bit of green in

a bun can never have to much hay, also fresh willow and apple twigs they love more than the bought ones too
I used to give her the Alfafa King Timothy Hay (green stuff in a bag) from P@H, which she liked at the start, but went off it after a while. It smelled quite nice, but looked very dry.
The new stuff is from a massive rolled bale that the sanctuary uses for their rabbits. Its local meadow hay, and she obviously loves it!
And I get it for free for volunteering at the sanctuary. I guess i really am lucky! :D

Think i was just worried because it was such a huge change in her behaviour!
Lots of hay is good. :D:D It's great that she loves the taste of the cheaper hay too - some bunnies have quite expensive taste in hay. :lol: My two love the huge bales of farm hay - at about £5 a time and last for about 4-6 weeks, so I'm not complaining either.
Definitely good. Most peopleworry about their buns not eating enough hay! If you think about it, a wild rabbit's diet is mostly grass, with a few other bits thrown in. And hay is just dried grass. You're lucky to get it free :D