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Told off!!

My bunnies are registered at two vets. I use one for routine ops such as neutering and vacs and another for anything else. I live in a small town with only one vets so need to have them registered there for emergencies and by the time im home form work thats the only place I can get too. But I prefere the one 8 miles away as they are better vets and alot cheaper so I use them whereever possible.
Don't forget the flying goat/eagle/hippo hybrid! :lol:

That would be a Moonkin... :shock:


Side note: I have a life now and don't play this addictive game! :lol:
....sarcasm?! :no::no::no: We were having a serious discussion about her goats sore hocks....or was it her rabbit's horns...I get confuzzled!!

Exactly, how dare you imply that the extremely bad situation requiring the horn amputation on the hippo, which is actually a relative of the eagle, which is also part goat, or a type of goat actually, was sarcasm :no::lol::lol::lol::lol: