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It means they're annoyed/scared by something.
Ruby does this every time I put her back down after being picked up. (She hates being picked up!)
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I think I means danger or something is not right!

One time Charmin somehow got duct tape stuck on his fur, and the thumped all night before i realized what was wrong!
Charmin thumps as the cat too.
They all three thump if they are mad about something
Mrs Bun does it when shes in the house on the loose and I try to catch her!! Its like "Stay away..Im enjoying my wander!!"
To be honest, it can mean many things. Fear is the typical one, but it can be used to draw your attention, it can be used to show excitement, it can be used to show disgust (I've experienced this one a lot this week :lol:). You have to read the whole situation to work out what it means.
Agree with Sky-O - could be different things. One of my fosters thumped in our spare room to tell me she'd dropped her willow ball into her water bowl and couldn't drink bless her. I also get thumps from Truffle everytime I put her down after grooming her and, another bun thumps when I go outside as if to say "she's coming, food, food!". Well that's interperation anyway!!

If there's something scary in the garden I also get thumps but they're what I'd call proper alarm thumps. They all seem to be able to distinguish between them oddly enough as the first three don't lead to having lots of startled rabbits, but the last one does, unless they all saw the dnager. Oh shut up Caroline.....
I think in the wild bunnies thump to warn their friends of suspected danger, so sometimes domestic bunnies thump to warn their two foot friends of suspected danger, it could be an unfamilular sound etc, or sometimes they thump to get attention or if they are annoyed eg you are taking too long to give them their dinner or some treats.
Jimby was thumping this morning at 7am, I was fast asleep and he woke me up, I went to confort him and I think that is what he wanted- some attention. bless him :love:
My Amber will thump if i'm late with breakfast or when she throws a tantrum. She will also used to do it when the next door neighbours put the cat out for
the night.

Ollie will stamp if i've picked Amber up to put her in the run and he knows i'm coming back for him:)
tilly thumps if im having a lie in and havnt let him out at his usual 7.30 good morning.

ruby thumps for attention, is shes sat between me and my partner and we've stopped stroking her, she will look between us both, nip or headbut us, and if we ignore her, she will thump and make this strange little squeak! x x x