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These babies are going to be well socialised!

Baby 1 : It's ok Uncle Spenser, she is just coming to have a cup of tea with or foster Mummy and make sure we are all ok. You are going to have lots of stories to hear about how silly we are!

Spenser rather likes 'Uncle Spenser' - it appeals to his sense of dignity.
Awh. Thats so cute! I remember when Brittany had her babies. Since day 1 when handled them but once they opened their eyes and were able to move around we started to really socializing them. When we were looking for homes for them people would comment on how social they were. My Bf kept one of the babies now known as Binky, now runs and greets everyone who enters the basement where my bf lives. Binky will circle them, chin them and then lay next to their feet. He's such a sweetie. Binky has free range of the room, unless its bedtime or no ones home.