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Sumi and Clover have myxomatosis U/D Some photos

Hello there everyone.

Things are going fine in bunny camp here. Touch wood the other 3 bunnies don't have any symptoms. Clover and Sumi are seemingly doing quite well. Their appetites are great and their behaviour is totally normal. Clover has been possibly a bit on the quiet side but she is quite a quiet and quirky bunny anyway.Her eye looks much better today and it is less weepy overall. The cloudiness is still there but I thought it perhaps looked a little better today. She is being a good patient.

Sumi still only has the one nodule though I think he might have one on his ear developing but I hope not. His behaviour is unchanged and he is as bossy as ever, again with a good appetite.

Nell went into stasis last night for the first time in ages. I found her at about midnight hiding in the straw and refusing food. My heart sank but she was whisked in for Infacol and some Metacam and warmth and she was fine early this morning. I was a bit concerned that she might have been under the weather and showing early signs but not as yet. I did a radical change of their hay from the normal supplier (as I'm sure that its no coincidence that they got their new batch of farm hay last Friday and had myxi on Sunday) though I wouldn't think that hay change could cause belly probs. So she will go on a course of Panacur again shortly as this signalled the end of the constant GI stasis problems I had in my bunnies 2 years ago. I hope this isn't her starting to get poorly.

I got some good pics of them yesterday.

Here is a picture of Clover taken on Saturday.


Here is a close up of showing her poorly eye and the nodule under her left nostril


Here is my lovely little Sumi with the myxi nodule on his nose

Here is Sumi with Nell and Marcy in the background, his girlfriends


Fiona x ......
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You are doing a fantastic job caring for them !!
I really hope that Nell and Marcy remain free of the evil virus and that Sumi and Clover make a full recovery :)
:( So sorry to see that your beautiful bunnies have myxi - I'll have everything crossed that they make a full recovery xx
Poor Sumi with that nodule on his nose, bless him. Hope your bunnies continue to act normal, and hope they recover very soon xx
Just discovered this thread. I am praying your gorgeous bunnies will get better which I am sure they will. The level of care you are giving is so admirable, they are very lucky to have a mummy like you.

And there was me worrying about a simple spay :roll:

Fingers and paws crossed for you x
Just discovered this thread. I am praying your gorgeous bunnies will get better which I am sure they will. The level of care you are giving is so admirable, they are very lucky to have a mummy like you.

And there was me worrying about a simple spay :roll:

Fingers and paws crossed for you x

Ah thanks! However, I am about to take my friend's two new girls through their spays soon and will be worried sick about them in the recovery stages.

F x
Hi again folks!

All is still ok in bunny camp and my bunnies are still doing well. They are behaving normally and have good appetites.

They are still on Baytril x 2, Metacam x 1 and Clover is having Fusithalmic eye drops. They are getting biolapis and echinacea in their water (I too have been taking the Echinacea).

Clover's eye is a little improved overall but still got an ulcer. The nodule on her nose seems to have fallen off as its just pink.

Sumi's nodule on his nose really is big. It is starting to lift a bit bless him and doesn't look very comfy for him, but you would never know from his behaviour, he is a proper busy bunny.

My vet is on holiday this week so I am going to go early next week as I don't really fancy seeing a locum unless I need to (he is a one man practice). Do you think this will be ok? He is happy to give me repeat prescriptions.

Fiona x
Hello there. Clover and Sumi seem to be doing ok in general and my other three bunnies remain free of myxi at present

Clover's eye is still not doing so great but we changed the antibiotics to Tiacil and it is no longer weepy. It remains cloudy as a result of the infection but it seems to be improving.

I have had them on 2 weeks of antibiotics and we have steadily come off them now.

Sumi's big nodule has fallen off and is only a little scabby but I think I can feel the start of a new nodule just next to it.

Do you think more antibiotics should be given if he is developing a new nodule?

We are due our review on Tuesday this week.

Thanks, this really is a horrible disease

Fiona x
Hello there. Clover and Sumi seem to be doing ok in general and my other three bunnies remain free of myxi at present

Clover's eye is still not doing so great but we changed the antibiotics to Tiacil and it is no longer weepy. It remains cloudy as a result of the infection but it seems to be improving.

I have had them on 2 weeks of antibiotics and we have steadily come off them now.

Sumi's big nodule has fallen off and is only a little scabby but I think I can feel the start of a new nodule just next to it.

Do you think more antibiotics should be given if he is developing a new nodule?

We are due our review on Tuesday this week.

Thanks, this really is a horrible disease

Fiona x

Obviously I can only give an unqualified opinion but I would want to keep him on abx whilst new nodules are developing. Not to treat the (viral) nodules but to try to ward off secondary bacterial infection.

Sending lots more vibes :)
Glad your buns are doing well. My french lop is doing well too. He was on Baytril for 3 weeks. He has been off it 2 weeks now and his nodules have all scabbed over and come off. The fur has started to grow back on his nose, bless him. I still have him living indoors as I hoped the constant attention and company would keep his spirits up. He had only been neutered recently so was still living on his own. I think being indoors with the dog for company too has helped. He is back to running up and down stairs and dashing around the living room so its lovely to see him back to normal. Thinking of Sumi and Clover. Pam