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Sumi and Clover have myxomatosis U/D Some photos

Hi folks,

Quick update as I am trying to do a million things at once at the moment.

Bunnies are doing ok. Sumi's big nodule is falling off which is alarming me. He only has that nodule that we can see. He appears to be fighting fit otherwise. Clover is doing ok, her eye isn't so great but the the tiny nodule on her nose is looking a bit better. She is on her metacam too. Both are normal in behaviour.

Two more bunnies have started to look a bit strange about the noses so we are off to the vets again tonight, all of us. But again they are entirely normal in behaviour and appetite. I am wondering how I will cope with 4 out of 5 of them ill but needs must.

Please send more vibes and vibes for me who will be carrying a cumulative weight of 15.8 kg of rabbits to the vets tonight. I find the whole vet experience so stressful just getting there with them

ok i am sorry this is happening to you iv only jsut spotted it please forgive me if i am repeating what others have said adn feel free to pm me i have read the first and last page of this so obviously dont know everything.

firstly my 10 year old bun got myxi last year she too was vaccinated and survived..my mum sdf76 may already have posted im not sure. basicallly you will need these meds..
antibiotic..such as baytril this is essential...metacam...pain relief and anti inflammitry.... biolapis/fibreplex... a probiotic it puts back the good bacteria in the gut and helps keep gut moving.(needed while on the antibiotic)

prognosis in nodular myxi is good with buns that are treated byy an expeirianced vet asap. they will need to be kept warm as possible ideally indoors(tho this may be a challenge with so many having it) dont split up any bonded pairs they tend to recover better with company and nodular myxi is passed through biting insects rather than rabbit to rabbit. if have difficulty breathing steam bathes are a help this can be done by steaming up the athroom with a hot shower and putting the buns in the ir with door closed. regarding eye drops tiacil tends to sting less adn fucilthalmic(same stuff used for conjunctivitus) is also good. the weeping eye will not be conjunctivitus but part of the myxi..usually caused by nodules(verry small) in eye swelling and blocking the tear duct, i hoep you have a rabbit savvy vet to help you adn good luck vibes your way feel free to contact mum(sdf76) or myself if you want any advice. good luck vibes and hugs.. oh adn dont worry if have up and down days this is normal! xxx
Oh no - really hoping they don't all get it.

Avipro is a probiotic and fibreplex a prebiotic, as I understand it, so either or both can be given.
Hi again folks. That's me just finished with the bunnies for the night :shock:

We are a little undecided on whether Marcy and Nell now have myxi, the vet says not. I think we will know more tomorrow if you know what I mean. It is easy to become totally paranoid

I feel much more settled now that we are on a good medication regime. At the moment, Clover and Sumi are on 2 x daily Baytril, 1 x daily Metacam. Clover is having her eye bathed and is having Fusithalmic drops x 2 daily. They are all having biolapis and echinacea in their water.

Vet says no chest or respiratory signs when he listened to them all tonight. Clover's eye is still quite inflamed and weepy so we will be keeping a watch on it, there is evidence of a corneal ulcer but she is well within herself.

Archie got a booster myxi vaccine in this last week too as he was 5 months into his vaccine. The others only got theirs about 10 weeks ago so I am happy not to re-vaccinate them. Clover is also 5 months into hers but vet won't re-vaccinate when she is symptomatic? Is this ok?

They are still all outside but are very cosy wee bunnies and I will keep them there at the moment with their snuggle safes and water bottles and stashes of straw and hay.

Their appetites are great and their behaviour is normal so I am counting my lucky stars........... for the moment.

Good night folks and thanks again for your help

Fiona x
Hi again folks. That's me just finished with the bunnies for the night :shock:

We are a little undecided on whether Marcy and Nell now have myxi, the vet says not. I think we will know more tomorrow if you know what I mean. It is easy to become totally paranoid

I feel much more settled now that we are on a good medication regime. At the moment, Clover and Sumi are on 2 x daily Baytril, 1 x daily Metacam. Clover is having her eye bathed and is having Fusithalmic drops x 2 daily. They are all having biolapis and echinacea in their water.

Vet says no chest or respiratory signs when he listened to them all tonight. Clover's eye is still quite inflamed and weepy so we will be keeping a watch on it, there is evidence of a corneal ulcer but she is well within herself.

Archie got a booster myxi vaccine in this last week too as he was 5 months into his vaccine. The others only got theirs about 10 weeks ago so I am happy not to re-vaccinate them. Clover is also 5 months into hers but vet won't re-vaccinate when she is symptomatic? Is this ok?

They are still all outside but are very cosy wee bunnies and I will keep them there at the moment with their snuggle safes and water bottles and stashes of straw and hay.

Their appetites are great and their behaviour is normal so I am counting my lucky stars........... for the moment.

Good night folks and thanks again for your help

Fiona x

I am so pleased that the symptomatic Buns are now on a good medication regime :) The fact that they are behaving normally is great and very encouraging :)
It may be a long haul but with you and your Vets brilliant care the Buns stand a fighting chance.

If I got my hands on the person who first released the evil Myxomatosis Virus into the wild I'd :censored: shoot them..........:evil:

Sending a billion vibes for all of you :wave:
I'm really praying for your bunnies.It does sound very encouraging that they are eating and seem generally happy.Good luck and please keep us updated.I agree with Jane on the myxi subject why did some evil bas:censored: have to make such a terrible illness that gives bunnies such a slow lingering painful death.
Bunnies are doing ok today, Clover is quiet but its so hard to tell whether she is just so hacked off to see me as I usually come armed with baytril, Metacam, eye drops and an eye bathe. She was all cosy in her straw this morning and was munching her pellets and hay. Her eye is all green and cloudy but I am assured that she is on the right medication.

Sumi is bouncing around like a proper fit bunny, his nodule looks awful and scabby but he doesn't seem to mind

I am exhausted though!!!!!

My vet gave me the antibiotics for them with a bit of convincing in the end. He is quite happy to let me rely on the reading etc I have done and the advice I have obtained. Thank goodness. He did look peeved though but I don't care.

Nell and Marcy look ok today and remain unsymptomatic, but I think Marcy doesn't like the water with the echinacea in it.

Can I just check the obvious again that Clover should not get her booster myxi whilst she is symptomatic?

Thanks a million again x
You poor thing - must be exhausting. :(

Dusty (and Clover when I had her) would never drink water with anything in it either.

They shouldn't have the vaccination when they are symptomatic, as far as I know - they need a healthy immune response to fight it off.

Thinking of you and your bunnies. x
Hi Fionabun

(I'm a poster on Kareen's site too (under a different username tho! :oops:) )

- hope you're looking after yourself too - it's exhausting looking after poorly bunnies, not to mention the stress!

I'm sending lots of <<<<vibes>>>>> to you all
Can I just check the obvious again that Clover should not get her booster myxi whilst she is symptomatic?

Sorry to hear about your bunnies - I was in the same position exactly two years ago and know how exhausting it is, both physically and emotionally. Both Millie and Fergus had been vacinated and Millie had the same symptoms as your bunnies while Fergus developed full blown Myxi and unfortunately didn't make it :(. Millie made a full recovery but I was advised not to have her vaccinated until she had been symptom free for several months. My vet advised that because she had had myxi then she would be immune for a while anyway.
Sending lots more vibes for your bunnies. I reccommend fibreplex, i think it has really helped my bunnies. I use both lacto b and fibreplex. The fact that they are on metacam is also very good :)
Bunnies are doing ok today, Clover is quiet but its so hard to tell whether she is just so hacked off to see me as I usually come armed with baytril, Metacam, eye drops and an eye bathe. She was all cosy in her straw this morning and was munching her pellets and hay. Her eye is all green and cloudy but I am assured that she is on the right medication.

Sumi is bouncing around like a proper fit bunny, his nodule looks awful and scabby but he doesn't seem to mind

I am exhausted though!!!!!

My vet gave me the antibiotics for them with a bit of convincing in the end. He is quite happy to let me rely on the reading etc I have done and the advice I have obtained. Thank goodness. He did look peeved though but I don't care.

Nell and Marcy look ok today and remain unsymptomatic, but I think Marcy doesn't like the water with the echinacea in it.

Can I just check the obvious again that Clover should not get her booster myxi whilst she is symptomatic?

Thanks a million again x
HI Fiona. Floss's eye went exactly like that,and developed corneal ulcers both times. but thankfully on a different eye each year. The vet also gave me something called EYESoothe to put in after the eye drops(tiacil, as the fucithalmic didn't seem to work for her) 2x per day.I expect by the time I've got around to posting this someone will already have told you not to have the booster done at the moment. Here's a pic of Floss's eye at its worst. It cleared up eventually and looked as bright as ever , and although Kevin said there was a degree of damage, it never seemed to bother her.:

Here's a pic of one of her nodules, or at least the area after it fell off. Again, within a few weeks her fur was back to normal although if you rubbed that area you could feel the scar tissue.


During her second bout I didn't bring them in as the hutch was warm and she and Bournville seemed to be pemamently snuggled together. I often wondered if he knew she was unwell:roll:
Wishing a very speedy recovery to your babies.

What a truelly horrific man made disease this is :(