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Stress of bonding- Risk of statis?

I think it depends on the rabbit involved, so I would say its probably down to the owner to make an informed decision. Its hard to know about Jimby without knowing the complete ins and outs of his problem.

If you did do it, then I would suggest picking a time he is the healthiest he can be.
I bonded BobbleG's bun Bob, who was a very stasis prone bun, she was very worried so we did it at her flat (not exactly neutral territory but Bob gets stressed by travelling) as it turns out it was the easiest bond ever! They just looked at each other and started munching hay together :lol:

I think it is possible, you just need to be more careful and patient, and know the signs that your buns is getting stressed.
Alvin is a stasis bunny but he loves other rabbits (maybe too much :oops::oops:) theres never been a hint of stasis during the bonding or after he has come home with his new lady friend.

i know that Beau (libs bun) has had stasis at every bonding attempt they have tried, if not during then when hes come home :cry::cry:

you wont know how he reacts until you try hun, but as long as your prepared drug wise and know it may not work out so you dont get attached to the girlybun its worth a try huh :love::love:
On the other hand could being part of a bonded pair reduce the incidences of stasis in a stasis-prone rabbit? If the other rabbit is a good eater, does it encourage the stasis-prone one to eat more readily? Anyone found this to be the case?
There are several bonding techniques.
The slower bonding techniques are less stressful, need more space, cannot be done in a rescue, & are not described on this forum.
The only people I know of who have used slower techniques, are Pretty Lupin - (who is getting married today), & Halfpenny.
Thank you guys!
Yeah I am just worried that it will stress my little boy out too much :cry: and cause we can not pick him up at all we have to take him to the vets to be medicated when he is unwell. :cry:
But I guess, you are right Donna, we wont know until we try but I just worry that in trying could mean I loose my best boy! :cry:

Tintin- I have heard from a few people now that having a bun companion can help statis prone buns to stay calm etc there for get ill less. Hopefully it is true for Jims!!