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Strange but ..Why does she eat my hair?????

Tiger Lilly

Warren Scout
Hi everyone. Wonder if anyone can help..
My little dwarf lop Lilly, who is approx 10 weeks old, eats my hair! If i'm lying on the floor and she hops over she goes straight for my hair and chomps on it! she goes mad when i move it out of her way! Stretching on her hind legs to reach it some more! Is she grooming me? (i dread to think what its doing for, not only my split ends :shock: but her litte belly!)

Does anyone else have a bun who eats hair???
teehee, tobey does this too and it really tickles! i can hear his little lips smacking together its really funny. Altho often when i've just washed my hair, he'll start to eat it then quickly run away to get a drink :lol: i think it's just them doing a bit of grooming for you... either that or they think it's hay :shock: but i prefer to think its grooming :wink:
Is she getting plenty of hay? If so she's probably trying to groom you - rabbits run their teeth through their fur as part of grooming :)

Benji does that to me too, he especially likes grooming my eyebrows and sideburns and beard!! I take it as a lovely sign of affection i hope that's what it means :?
My bun Dougal always goes for my hair, he loves it! Or he's trying to tell me I need a hair cut!
Yep she gets plenty hay..
i'll take it as her way of saying she loves me lots and my hair tastes lovely (and not like hay at all!) :D