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Stasis advice - syringe feeding


Warren Scout
Pippin has come back from the vets on two occasions now - both times she they syringe fed her and gave her fluids - and she had perked up a lot and was eating loads, pooping, and then once she comes home she goes back into stasis again. This has happened twice now, and I wonder is it something that I have done wrong at home?

Basically on her return I have encouraged her to eat loads. Yesterday I gave her quite a few feeds of mashed Allen & Page pellets, mixed with oats. Because she was appearing to be eating well on her own I didn't see the need of causing her additional stress by syringe feeding. Then, this morning... she is obviously back in stasis - not moving, and again feeling very uncomfortable. Perhaps all the extra food has upset her system again?

I syringe fed her this morning around 5 x 1ml . I need some advice - does that amount sound about right? She is a small bunny and weighs just 1.3kg. Also, how often should I be doing this?
What is the actual *cause* of her gut stasis- Dental ? Is she receiving pain relief ? Any other medication ?

Not eating/gut stasis is usually as *symptom* not an illness in it's own right. So unless the primary cause is identified and treated the problem wont resolve.
Initially she suffered trauma to her mouth when she fell on the patio, and the vet also removed a long tooth when she was in. That was a week ago today.But vet says her mouth seems fine now.

She is currently on Metacam 0.5ml per day; Metoclop 0.6l x 3 per day and Zantac 0.4ml x 3 per day.

I just can't understand why she seems to rally when she comes home from the vet, then the stasis seems to start up again.:(
I agree with Jane. But also, from a food point of view, I personally wouldn't be trying to feed stodgy food like oats. The pellets will be relatively high in fibre, and similar to the liquid feed, and it is fibre that really keeps a bunny gut going, ie the best source being hay.
Thanks. I'll go back to the vet today and see if they can get her system moving again, then will stick to small amounts of the pellets rather than the oats.
Is the bunny drinking a lot when they return home too? Fluids are the best thing for stasis, I found. I used to have bunnies who would go into stasis all the time, and I used to syringe just water in, and a little cooled peppermint tea, rather than food. Water helps what is in the gut not to be so hard and impacted (not very technical, but you know what I mean! :))
Have you also tried tempting her with tasty herbs like parsley and coriander these are normally the first things many bunnies go for after they have stopped eating!
Order some Fiberplex from amazon and syringe feed water, if he/she isnt getting enough liquid the body will be taking the moisture from the gut and drying things out making things come to a hault again so keep the fluids up and the fiber maybe take it off pellets for a couple of days and give some wet leafy greens plus lots of hay!

i had a baby with it recently pretty bad (sometimes happens at weining) he really diddnt look like he was going to pull through, the mass in his tummy was solid but doing this sorted him right out

hope it works for you, also get in some Critical care, y can get a fine grind version thats easier as the normal one can get stuck in a syringe x
Thanks for all the advice. She went back to the vet this afternoon. Vet can't understand why she keeps getting dehydrated so she has done some blood tests and we should know the results tomorrow.

Meanwhile, poor Pip is back in the hospital for more fluids. We'll see what the morning holds. :(
Update - she is still with the vet, and has once again has perked up after she has taken fluids on board. Blood tests have come back clear apart from calcium levels, which are slightly raised.

She is eating by herself and pooping again, but I have asked them to keep her for another night or two to make sure she is managing ok without the IV fluids before I bring her back home.