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Special Appeal for Long Term Bunnies!


Warren Scout
I thought this totally necessary because we are SO full of bunnies at the moment!

Throughout the Summer I found myself turning people away over and over again because the rabbits at my rescue just aren't being homed.

I think it maybe because I tend to take the more difficult to rehome whether it be because they have health problems or because they are older or not so pleasing to the eye (although I think they are lovely )

- Shadow and Kitkat have sat in rescue for nearly two years. She is a bit more firey that some rabbits, but nothing like some that have been through here. Shadow is the male. A Rex cross and totally adorable. Rescued from Bournemouth years ago. Kitkat is a chinchilla colour rabbit and although spayed, still has her moments! To an experienced and confident handler though she has respect and is amicable enough.

- Fluffy and Sammy have also sat in rescue for a long time. Sammy is a dwarf lop of about 2.5 years old. She came from a bad rescue case and had Syphilis on arrival, but this has now been treated and cured. She is a bit scatty to pick up but fine when you want to give her a cuddle. Fluffy is a 6 year old New Zealand White cross Dwarf Lop and is a slate grey colour. He came from a home who got bored of him after 5 years of owning him. Wonderful temprement, but has been called ugly a couple of times and looked over because of that and his age. He obviously needs a large run as he is a giant breed.

- Jack and Missy are also a bonded pair. Jack is about 2.5 years old and came from the same rescue case as Sammy. He is an albino standard rabbit and enjoys being petted on the ground more than in your arms. He is bypassed always because of his colour. Missy is a 5 year old standard agouti bunny looking for a special home. She originally came from a rescue case we did years ago after we rescued her from being snakes food. Her owner returned her about 3 months ago because he didn't want to spend his money on the rabbit anymore. She is bypassed because of her colour and her age.

- Daisy and Sonny are a pair of Dwarf sized bunnies. Sonny can be fiesty with people, so experienced owners are a necessity, but he is fine once he has settled. Daisy was saved from being euthanased for being vicious, but once she was spayed has calmed down into a lovely rabbit. She is a Lionhead cross.

That is without the three neutered single bunnies that we have here (a spayed female and two neutered males) who are now waiting to be paired with neutered rabbits of the opposite sexes.

If anyone can offer these bunnies places to live the rest of their lives in, please contact me.

All rabbits are neutered before they leave the rescue.

Emma (Furry Friends Animal Rescue) Surrey
Tel: 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371
Email: Adrs@aol.com
oh, i wish my parents would let me have more bunnies, fluffy is gorgeous!!!!! I dont know why they havnt been picked before. i swear as soon as im out of uni im going to get a house of my own and have more bunnies and guineas.... and maybe a chinchilla or 2, and maybe some littler rodents too, hmmmm, i need a big house!
Most of these bunnes are still looking, except for two neutered females who have now gone to a new home.

These have been replaced by a gorgeous silver lop who has now been spayed and is lovely to handle. She is only a year old and would love a friendly neutered boyfriend.

Fluffy and Sammy have now been rehomed. The new owner is over the moon with them and cannot believe that they sat in rescue for so long. They are so affectionate now and love running round their garden.

Sonny and Daisy are due to go to their new home next weekend.

The neutered bucks and the spayed doe mentioned have now all found homes with opposite sex bunsters.

The silver lop mentioned has now been paired with Smoky, who's partner died when being spayed. These were originally bought in as boarding rabbits but the owner never collected them. When the vet spayed her she was found to be riddled with cancer that had spread and had to be put to sleep. :( This left Smoky very down and he paired immediately with Tilly.
Smoky is about 4 years old (a Siamese colour) and Tilly is about 2 years old. She was bought to us because the family were having their garden done and didn't want her digging holes in it.

Jack and Missy are still looking for a home and Jack is braver than he has ever been. Missy is just the same adorable bunny that she has always been and desperately deserves a retirement home now.

If anyone can help with these deserving bunnies, please let me know.

That's great - I can't believe someone actually said they brought their rabbit into rescue as they didn't want her digging holes in the garden :x

I mean, rabbits ...erm, well.... dig and if you don't want them digging you put them on paving slabs

I don't know how you stay civil to them, well done :thumb:
That's great - I can't believe someone actually said they brought their rabbit into rescue as they didn't want her digging holes in the garden

I mean, rabbits ...erm, well.... dig and if you don't want them digging you put them on paving slabs

I don't know how you stay civil to them, well done

I know pathetic aren't they ? as long as they have there perfect garden to hell with their animals ... Myself I love my buns digging in the garden i thinks it soooo cute ...
That's great - I can't believe someone actually said they brought their rabbit into rescue as they didn't want her digging holes in the garden

Honestly. I find it hugely amusing when mine shower the garden with stones and mud, chew the ends of the leaves of the best plants including eating the lavender from the inside. They are rabbits. Thats what makes them lovely!
Sonny and Daisy are now living as houserabbits in Scotland. :D

Jack and Missy are still looking. If its the last thing I do I will see these guys into a new home.

As a recap, Missy was bought into rescue years ago as a tiny baby after being saved from being live snake food. Older members may remember the appeal that went out all those years ago?!!?
She was rehomed as a house rabbit and fine there for a long time and lived happily with Bam-bam another very special boy that came into my life.
Bam-bam died and the family decided that they didn't want to spend anymore money on a rabbit so returned her to the rescue. :(


I have slightly over-estimated her age. She is only about 4 years old.
As it goes, they did tell me that she had been neutered (they adopted her as a baby), but for some reason I had a gut feeling that they hadn't, so I had her spayed when she came back. Her temprement is a dream, she has alot of manners with adults, children, dogs and cats and pretty much fears nothing!

Jack has really come out of himself since being in rescue. When he first arrived, he was the most nervous out of all the rabbits that came in from a dreadful place who kept their bunnies in windowless sheds all thei lives and bred them over and over. Some came out with Syphilis, some came out with horrendous teeth problems, some had mite infestations. All had to be treated for something.
Most people who know me know that I tend to go for the underdogs. I think that alot of rescues take advantage of this!!! I don't mind though as I would rather have long term bunnies here being that I only do a small amount of rabbit rescue. I took the rabbits that were 'fat and ugly' (not my words - I think they are all lovely! :love: - the ones with malaclusion or the ones that were not desirable colours. Jack fell under the last catagory. Pink eyed white, chunky and skittish.
Poor boy had never even been outside and when he first was put briefly in the grass run he just froze and sat there in that 'I'm terrified' bunny pose.
Since going in with Missy who is confident and loves her exercise, he has got far barver, although does perfer adult handlers. Children tend to be nervous with him which he does pick up on.

To me he is the perfect specimen of a bunny, but I have an addiction to pink eyed white animals - rabbits, ferrets, rats, mice - so that is not a surprise for me.

Anyway, if anyone can find room in their lives for these two bunnies who just want a proper home (which Jack has never known yet), then please let me know. :D
