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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Something is wrong with my bunny U/D He's gone :(

I'm so sorry to hear about your sad loss. I know how your feeling, We lost Gizmo and Charlie in the last five weeks and both were very sudden. No explaination as to why despite having a PM. Hoping to have some result soon.

I'm truly gutted for you, don't blame yourself. You did what you could for him. Even if you'd followed your normal proceedure there are never any simple answers and unfortunatley these things happen. Just wish i had a magic wand for you to make it all better!!

:cry: :cry: :cry:
am so sorry to hear of your loss, its terrible when it happens and def breaks your heart. huge hugs to you and his wife, she will need lots of love and vice versa to get through this.
it seems you did everything possible and please dont do the what ifs etc as you did what you thought was right and personally i would have done the same.
big hugs

binky free little one x
Im so sorry for what has happened - dont beat yourself up for the choices you made, you make the decision based on what you believe at the time and if we all had crystal balls we would use them but we just cant. Your little boy is at peace now may he rest in peace
I want to thanks everyone for their kind words & wishes. I'm trying to get it together, although I'm crying again as I type. I just feel sick inside & empty. :cry:

I can't bring myself to call the vets. I just have the same questions buzzing around my head; why didn't just give him the meds like the have done on the two occasions he had it before. The last time it happened was this time last year, & the time before he was even worse, yet still no one mentioned keeping him at the vets then. Why now? Why not look at his notes & see that home care was the best way to go with him? And why force feed him when he wasn't pooping? It doesn't make sense to me. I never force fed him when he had it before, I just spent every half an hour tummy rubbing him, giving him liquids, & making him run around & it worked. I only took him to the vets to get this pain relief etc. because I'd caught it early & then I could bring him home to get to work with him. I don't see how putting a bun in a cage & looking in on him every hour & not checking his tum or getting him moving around is better care than I could have given him? When I went to get him he was in a cage sitting on a pile of damp grass in a draught, with food all over his face & chin where they'd force fed him. :cry: There were greens all over the cage to tempt him & I told the nurse they were what caused the problem last time he got bloat due to all the gas! I told the nurse he was ten times worse than when I left him & she didn't say a word. He'd been force fed an hour earlier & I could see it had made him much worse. I had to wait a hour & a half before I could take him home because they wanted to pump him full of more drugs & force feed him more fibrophlex, & in that time I could see him getting worse still. Why did I let them? I know my little man. With all that stuff piled on top of the orginal blockage how would it ever get through his system?
I did not do the best for him & I will never forgive myself.
I want to change my vets too, because I was so shocked at how a bun with a "life threatening condition" was treated.

I'm going to write in the Raindbow Bridge section about him. He's so loved & cherished.

If anyone has any adivse on looking after a bereaved bun it would be very much appreciated.
I want to find her a new friend because she hates being alone. She's eating but she's lonely. How long should I wait before introducing a new bun?
Should I give her a cuddle toy in the mean time?

If anyone can recommend a good vet in the Norwich area, please let me know.

Im so sorry.

I am going through much the same thing currently, the difference being I have formally complained to my vets about the treatment Caspian and I received when he was PTS.

I keep thinking I made the wrong decision, gave up on him too soon, did not try everything I could have despite the other option possibly only prolonging his pain or proving fruitless too. The guilt is eating me alive.

My OH pointed out that if I had kept him alive and then he had died anyway I would be beating myself up about not having him PTS and making him suffer alll the more. The what ifs are endless and its too late to change the past. However learning to live with a decision is the difficult part and it will only come with time.....especially once your initial grief has started to disperse (when, oh when, will that happen?).

As for your lonely girl, a teddy will help comfort her but you will do even better ;) and when you are ready for a new bunny she will be too.

Hugs for both of you XX
i'm so sorry to hear of your loss:cry:

it's heartbreaking and just reading what you have typed brings a tear to my eye:cry:

he's a peace now and not suffering, give your other bun lots of cuddles xxxx