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sleep tightly little dazy-mae


Warren Veteran
we only had you a very short time....but you were loved dearly.

Your sister is missing you so much but we are going to try and help her get through this as best we can.

we had no idea you were ill....and we tried so hard to nurse you through what we thought was a case of stasis as the vet had said.
Sadly the vet didnt take your temperature when i took you back the second day you were ill. We put it down to stress.....but you also had a bite on your tummy from bonding.....which turned into a haematoma...

but that wasnt what gave you the hidden infection...at least they dont think so.

you were always so cuddly...maybe it was because you were so ill...but it didnt stop you rampaging through the house with bluebell and the kittens.

you lay on the table so sleepy looking....now you can really sleep....

sweet dreams sweetheart xx
So incredibly sad. Binky free sweetheart. I'm so sorry I won't be able to give you any more cuddles. You were a very special bun. xxxxx
You're probably feeling very low and sad now but when you are up for visitors I would love to come and see your fur family again. I could give anybun who would like it some reiki to balance their energies.

How is Dazy-Mae's sister doing?

Thinking of you all and wishing there was something I could do. xxxx