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Sir Nibbly Neo


Alpha Buck

We gave you a home at 5 months when you were 'aggressive', we neutered, vaccinated and loved you.

With attention, care, yummy food and lots of space, you thrived with us and learnt to trust us, and 'Granny' too!

You loved to nibble things, you nibbly little man, sometimes wires, shoes, pyjamas and play tubes but most of all you loved lots of forage and the stalkiest bits of hay.

You loved to sprawl out, like the King you were and deserved to be, in your very own palace.

It's only been a few hours since we found out but we really miss you.

The way you'd clean your ears and face in the cutest way possible, how you'd do a naughty binky when we caught you eating the carpet, or tried to pick you up to do those nails of yours. How you used to greet us at the playpen door when we'd come home with shopping, or how you'd perk up as soon as we opened a packet of crisps incase it was for you. The way you'd dart into the kitchen and behind the cooker within seconds if we forgot to close the gate and the time you tried to eat my wellies.

We love you so much and can't believe you're gone. We hope you weren't in any pain and can finally have a friend up there.

We miss you, you special little man xxx

Album of pics;

We gave you a home at 5 months when you were 'aggressive', we neutered, vaccinated and loved you.

With attention, care, yummy food and lots of space, you thrived with us and learnt to trust us, and 'Granny' too!

You loved to nibble things, you nibbly little man, sometimes wires, shoes, pyjamas and play tubes but most of all you loved lots of forage and the stalkiest bits of hay.

You loved to sprawl out, like the King you were and deserved to be, in your very own palace.

It's only been a few hours since we found out but we really miss you.

The way you'd clean your ears and face in the cutest way possible, how you'd do a naughty binky when we caught you eating the carpet, or tried to pick you up to do those nails of yours. How you used to greet us at the playpen door when we'd come home with shopping, or how you'd perk up as soon as we opened a packet of crisps incase it was for you. The way you'd dart into the kitchen and behind the cooker within seconds if we forgot to close the gate and the time you tried to eat my wellies.

We love you so much and can't believe you're gone. We hope you weren't in any pain and can finally have a friend up there.

We miss you, you special little man xxx

Album of pics;

This is beautiful :love:

I am so sorry you and he went through all this, but he's in a better place now. That lovely, nibbly man.

Bless you for everything you did for him ..... Time for the tears to fall, but not forever.

Rest in Peace Sir Nibbly Neo xx
I am so sorry that you have lost your special little lad.

Goodnight brave Neo, sleep well little one xx
I was so very sad to see Neo's name in Rainbow Bridge. :cry::cry::cry:
Such a lovely tribute and a gorgeous little man. Sending you armfuls of comforting hugs at this time of deep grief.
Sweet dreams, handsome Neo. xxxxx
Thank you for all of your kind comments, Jane the picture is lovely :)

I'm absolutely unprepared to to and see him today, we haven't decided whether we would like to bury him or have him cremated.
I can't believe I'm talking about this AGAIN.

I miss you so much Nibbly, I wish you were home with us being a grump about being given a cuddle.
If I'd known sooner, the things I would have done differently... We love you so much :cry:
Dont beat yourself up about the what could have beens. You did all yiu could and gave him every conceivable chance, some of those very difficult choices but yiu made them to enable him a chance.

I hope you will fing out what option you want soon. Thinking of you