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shld i bond remaining three after losing precious abby

gill shirlaw

Warren Scout
As title sais i am having a major dilema after losing my precious wee girl only a few days ago, my other three bunnies she was with especially fudge who she was bonded with nearly four years ago and who were inseperable plus my other two are really looking so lost without her and misty is the only girl now and has lost her best mate and i need advice as to whether its too soon to bond my other two girls who live in another shed run complex with the remaining three as i was going to do that some time this month with the six of them but with losing abby the thought of bonding is so hard but i am thinking of my three lost wee bunnies and wondered whether it would be best for them to do it sooner or later or should i leave them to mourn her a bit first.

It is very hard for me to think of this at the mo as i feel so lost without her and every time i go to the shed to feed the remaining three i miss seeing her wee face running up with the rest and that is why i wondered whether the three would rather have the company now.

It would be the three remaining bunnies who are two bucks and one doe all neutered good couple of years or so and bonding them with two year old does bonded well and neutered nearly eight months ago.

I hope no one thinks i am being uncaring to my wee abby i am just thinking of my three lost bunnies and my other two wee girlies would certainly love the extra company and spece also.

thanks in advance and again thank you for all your kind thoughts and wishes for losing my precious girly.

I think it sounds like a lovely idea. For one it will give you a goal and hopefully this will make you feel better, but your bunnies are probably missing her too so it could be nice to take their mind off things.

But I'm not an expert on how rabbits deal with loss, so it might be best getting some other opinions first. But think, there would be more bunnies to all snuggle up in the winter and keep warm. :love:
thanks jenova for your reply and i am inclined to agree with you im just scared to put the three under any strain when their dealing with the loss but as you say on the other hand it could well be nice for them and more buns to snuggle up with if they bond which is the other worrying factor. I have bonded two before and a four successfully but i know my mind is not on it at mo but wont to do the best for them but im no expert on rabbit loss and dont want tomake anything worse for them so i will hope to get some more replies too but thanks again for your input it helpsa.

When you and the rabbits are ready go for it. I am bonding a threesome at the moment without any issues .....
thanks janice do you think the other three will be ready for it anytime or should i wait a bit longer for them my main concern is for them i will be ready to do it if i know it will help them anytime i just dont want to do it if they need time to get over abby but on the other hand if i thought it would help them cope with losing her i will def do it for their sakes. i just dont want to do it too soon if it will make it hard on them.

I would leave them a few days and then work out what free time you have and then plan things to fit in with the spare time you have. If you dont feel up to it leave it until you are ready.
thanks again i will do as long as i know its okay for them to do it that all that matters to me.

I wasnt going to try at least until i had a good couple of weeks to leave for them so that wont be until about a week away so that shld be okay i hope thanks again for your reply appreciated.

You'll know when it's the right time. Take in everyone's advice and then follow your heart, only you know your bunnies. And good luck. :)