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Shall I Bond my 2 pairs?


Mama Doe
As some of you may know I have 2 M/F pairs whom are all neutered , Flopsy will be 6 next month and he is bonded with Lily and they've been together 1 year and 4 months, Lily is a year & half ish then I have Bella who is 4 & half and shes bonded with Pickle who is my rescue rabbit and he is roughly a year & half and they have been bonded 6 months now, Before I got Pickle I did try Bonding Bella with the Lily& Flopsy and to try a trio , Bella & Flopsy got on great and were grooming within seconds :love: they were okay for maybe about 10 minutes and then Lily started nipping Bella and i did not want to continue as i was worried it may interfere with Lily & flopsy's bond, when i did take Bella out Lily & Flopsy had a scuffle. So then obviously we went to the rescue and Bella was matched up with Pickle :love:

But I was just wondering would it be worth bonding them , it will mean they will have the whole of the shed which is currently divided in half and each pair has 4.5ft x 7ft and a second level, But it would be great for them to have the whole 9x7ft shed with a 7ft second level, and the 2 8x4ft runs which we could join up to make a 8x8ft run which would be my dream, and then when our garden is fully fenced they could all free range.. :D

However I have got to think about Bella's health really as in October she developed heart problems and she has heart disease but she is on medication and is responding very well and gaining weight so I dont think there would be much of a problem , I just don't want her to get stressed ect. :?

Would 2 males and 2 females work?? is it worth the risk?? :? Decisions ,Decisions ahhh!! thanks in advance :wave:
It could work, but it might not. Personally with 2 happily bonded pairs I would not risk it especially with Bellla not being 100%

It would be very stressful for all the buns and you to attempt it, you could end up with a happy quad which would be awesome. Or you could end up with 4 singles if the original bonds break down. To me the risk is greater than the reward, but then that is just me, I know it can be done!
It could work, but it might not. Personally with 2 happily bonded pairs I would not risk it especially with Bellla not being 100%

It would be very stressful for all the buns and you to attempt it, you could end up with a happy quad which would be awesome. Or you could end up with 4 singles if the original bonds break down. To me the risk is greater than the reward, but then that is just me, I know it can be done!

Thank you :) I think i will leave them as they are now, happy and bonded :D
:wave: Hi, Been thinking about this myself. Have two bonded pairs but my eldest bun of 9 is not too well. I'm thinking ahead and was wondering if a bonded pair and a lone male would work for much the same reasons as you, space etc etc. I think that it's our decision alone. Could work :D, could be a mess :( My main reason would be not wanting another bunny as there is such difficulty in finding someone who you can trust when you want to go away. Sometimes I feel very trapped. Even family funerals have been a issue recently as my eldest is now very special needs. Equally, I do not want my lone male to be alone. He is very well at 5+ (rescue) and completely potty. Hard isn't it? I would be interested to know if you decided to do this. I recon they would all have to have a little holiday elsewhere for you (or i) to have the greatest success.
It's a very difficult decision to make, and one that took me about 7 months to make. I too wanted them to have more space, and also easier to manage if I do want to go away fro a day or to. However, none of my buns had any real health issues, apart from Pebbles being a dental bun. In the end I decided to give it a shot. I knew that it would be tricky and scary...you have to be pretty brave to get through the scuffles and hierarchy issues...but I am glad I did it. Some days though I do wonder if they would have been better kept as pairs, but that is on the rare occasion that the girls have a tiff, or Pebbles has his fur pulled. 99% of the time they are happy chilled out buns.