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September, Hopscotch, Paintbox, Croquet & Chess! New vids!

:shock::shock::shock: Find it, woman, find it as a matter of urgency! Bet it was on a Tuesday or Friday, the days I have to endure the inconveniece of leaving the house to work. :roll:

:lol: There weren't photo's or anything. I just said 'we have poops!" :lol:
:lol: There weren't photo's or anything. I just said 'we have poops!" :lol:

Oh. I was getting all excited. :roll: I suppose as they eat pretty much the same as adult rabbits the poops will be the same too. Amazing the way they seem to be piling in. :shock:
And WHY is there not photos of baby bunny poops?! We NEED them for research purposes. *cough*



Humble apologies your great. I shall endeavour to photo dah poops tomorrow and present them forthwith!

*bows again*
Meal times are very civilised affair really!!

The presence of Hawthorn usually results in a bunny scrum :lol: Nom nom nom nom nom!

This one doesn't really show very much other than how quick Yo-Yo can fly down the ramp :lol::lol:
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Hello little ones (and Mum). :wave: I haven't really been sat here all morning waiting for you to put in an appearance - honest. :oops::lol:
They are all sooo squee :love::love::love:

I love the little fluffy grey and white one and everytime I watch I fall more in love with September :love:
They are all sooo squee :love::love::love:

I love the little fluffy grey and white one and everytime I watch I fall more in love with September :love:

Yes the lil grey & white bun is full of mischief and fun :lol::love: When mum is having her veg it is this bun and only this bun who tries to steal it :lol: When all the others are happily snoozing or nomming it is this bun who is scurrying around and doing virtical binkies :roll::lol: He/she is a little smaller in frame than most of the others (although 'Jigsaw' the harlequin is a similar size) but when you see how much running around he/she does it really isn't surprising. All the energy is used up playing instead of growing :lol::lol: They are so incredibly entertaining :D

...and thank you for mentioning September :love: The babies are spell bindingly cute and so understandably mum sometimes gets forgotten by folks :( We should remember though that it is only because she has been such a wonderful mum that they are here and doing so well :love::love: She has a lovely personality all of her own and I'll let you in on a little secret.... if you thought Bouncer could jump.....you aint seen nothing yet! :shock::shock::lol::lol:
how is september? do you know if there will be more little'uns?:? im sending no baby vibes anyway-maybe its post preganany tummy fat!;):wave:

i kee p coming back to this thread as i so want some!!!!!! but will have to see...i want all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::love::love::love::love:
how is september? do you know if there will be more little'uns?:? im sending no baby vibes anyway-maybe its post preganany tummy fat!;):wave:

i kee p coming back to this thread as i so want some!!!!!! but will have to see...i want all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::love::love::love::love:

She's very well - thank you for asking :wave: We still have everything crossed that she isn't pregnant. I'm not going to tempt fate by saying I don't think she is.....;) She isn't any larger than when she arrived and she thinks nothing of leaping over a 3 foot high pen panel :shock: so if she IS pregnant she's incredibly agile :lol:

Jill should be visiting soon, to sex the babies & to have another look at September. Without her being scanned we can't be 100% but Jill will have a better idea than me :D
Yes the lil grey & white bun is full of mischief and fun :lol::love: When mum is having her veg it is this bun and only this bun who tries to steal it :lol: When all the others are happily snoozing or nomming it is this bun who is scurrying around and doing virtical binkies :roll::lol: He/she is a little smaller in frame than most of the others (although 'Jigsaw' the harlequin is a similar size) but when you see how much running around he/she does it really isn't surprising. All the energy is used up playing instead of growing :lol::lol: They are so incredibly entertaining :D

...and thank you for mentioning September :love: The babies are spell bindingly cute and so understandably mum sometimes gets forgotten by folks :( We should remember though that it is only because she has been such a wonderful mum that they are here and doing so well :love::love: She has a lovely personality all of her own and I'll let you in on a little secret.... if you thought Bouncer could jump.....you aint seen nothing yet! :shock::shock::lol::lol:

This sounds just like someone else we know and love!!!:lol::lol: He even eats like Bouncer - takes the pellets out of the bowl and puts them on the floor in front of him. Unless Bouncer is particularly hungry (always :roll:) and throws bits of out the bowl in desperation!!!

They are all just so SQUUOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHYYYYYY!! I just said to Lee (after watching the videos for the 3rd time!) how lovely it is to see Mummy Bunny with baby bunnies. She is doing so well with them and they seem so happy all together.

Roughly how big are they in length now Jen? When we saw them, I thought they looked bigger in the photos than they were in reality.
This sounds just like someone else we know and love!!!:lol::lol: He even eats like Bouncer - takes the pellets out of the bowl and puts them on the floor in front of him. Unless Bouncer is particularly hungry (always :roll:) and throws bits of out the bowl in desperation!!!

They are all just so SQUUOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHYYYYYY!! I just said to Lee (after watching the videos for the 3rd time!) how lovely it is to see Mummy Bunny with baby bunnies. She is doing so well with them and they seem so happy all together.

Roughly how big are they in length now Jen? When we saw them, I thought they looked bigger in the photos than they were in reality.

I shall have to go & measure them now!! :lol: They're at least double the size that they were when you saw them though :love:

BTW: when I talk about 'the grey & white one' I don't mean Yo-Yo - I mean the grey lion head with the white bib & feetsies ;) It will be so much easier when they all have names :roll::lol::lol: