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Second feeding question of the day


Warren Scout
Was just wondering, is it safe to give the bun frozen veggies (defrosted obviously), just thought then he could have like a little broccoli floret or a baby carrot, etc. out of those mixed vegetable bags occasionally, or would that be harmful?
i wouldn't give them previously frozen veg - i'd just keep to fresh veg - mine get broccoli, carrot, parsnip, spring greens, watercress, radish, celery, turnip, swede etc but all fresh. More like what they'd forage in the wild. They get a large handfull of a selection of veg every evening between them (i have two).
Parsnip? I read somewhere they are not allowed parsnip...but none of the good/not good for your rabbit lists seem to agree....
it's true there is disagreement on the veg types, but generally they do agree on most of the staples. Spring green is a great staple. Parsnip is def safe to eat - but as it's quite sugary it's best to only feed a small chunk.

There's quite a lot of variety from the stuff in the supermarket and i just stick to the above list mainly and vary it. Fruits can also be a treat once in a while.
sometimes i get rocket, and sometimes I pick dandilions if i have any. Mine also get rowan leaves and berries as we have a tree in our garden :D
i've heard of people giving still fozen veg before on a very hot day as an ice lolly but defrosted veg I would have thought would be too mushy and easily digested - which could lead to tummy upsets.

I buy only fresh veg for the bunny's and find that for one bunny a bag of spring greens (not chopped) will last a week and the rest of the food is made up of stuff we'd be having like brocolli, celery, watercress and so on. I also grow radishes, parsley and carrots, leaf beet and kale in the garden which are all a dodle.

I think parnips are high in sugar so like carrots are a treat not a staple.

edit - took so long to write didn't get in the parsnip thing before post above