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scared :( :(


Warren Scout
Hello, I have Dwarf lop rabbit called Loppy Leo. He is around 4 months, and is going in to get neurterd on Friday. He is aleady really well benhaved. However he is reallt shy and nervous, and is scared easily. As it is fireworks tonight, and yesterday he was in side with me till late and still is in. Will being neautred change being scared, shy, nervous.
Please comment because i want him to face his fears!

From Loppy Leo James:D
Rabbits are prey animals so they frighten a lot more easily than predator animals like cats and dogs. Neutering can make them calm down and relax but really the most important thing to help him face his fears is time and patience from you. :)

It can take a long time for them to settle down with a new owner, sometimes almost a year and it happens slowly so you might not notice it. There are things you can do to help too. Remember if you pick them up they might think you're a predator trying to eat them which is why they get scared. They usually don't like it when their feet are off the floor or if you come down too quickly over the top of them to pick them up. I like to get down on the floor with my rabbits and cuddle them there.

Also as they get used to you being around and the routine of your house they will start to become less scared. Like I said it just takes time and he's still only a baby. :)