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safe to post now but WHAT A *censored* night-U/D back from vets and all is OK :)

Glad to hear he's on the mend, what a relief :D

I've had a thought re the white wee (I could be miles away from being right but here goes). Artie is on the diuretics to get him to empty his bladder more fully to get rid of the calcium - perhaps they are doing the same to Pearl? Therefore the white wee isn't anything to worry about, she's just getting rid of more of the residue :? I could be WAY of the mark of course because maybe other bunnies empty their bladders fully anyway and so it's not an issue, Art's bladder is made different.
Glad to hear he's on the mend, what a relief :D

I've had a thought re the white wee (I could be miles away from being right but here goes). Artie is on the diuretics to get him to empty his bladder more fully to get rid of the calcium - perhaps they are doing the same to Pearl? Therefore the white wee isn't anything to worry about, she's just getting rid of more of the residue :? I could be WAY of the mark of course because maybe other bunnies empty their bladders fully anyway and so it's not an issue, Art's bladder is made different.

yeah i thought it was Alvin with his poorly tummy. but there was no signs around his area when the vet checked and if he was blocked up im sure he would of got really poorly like my moms cat did.

i am going to ask if its the drugs that could be causing it with pearl.. i hope i havent built calcium up in either of them, i feel so guilty about thier health as it is :(

i really dont want to seperate them to see who it is either :?
i havent found a worse feeling than the gut twisting feeling i get when Alvin is in stasis.. theres been loads of poops today and hes really greedy again :D

i told ste about all the poorly bunnies right now and he really thinks its the weather, maybe house bunnies not getting a proper coat are more sensitive to the sudden drops in temperature :?
Yay for Alvin :D BUT 11Days!! NO WAY can I physically mentally or emotionally last that long....how exactly have you managed to survive??? what drugs should I be taking with my rapidly disappearing bottle of vodka???
Yay for Alvin :D BUT 11Days!! NO WAY can I physically mentally or emotionally last that long....how exactly have you managed to survive??? what drugs should I be taking with my rapidly disappearing bottle of vodka???

i just cry a lot :oops::oops:

i cant cope with it, i want to go to bed and never get up... i cant cope with 2xdaily meds for pearl and her hating the taste and trying to make a run for it.. but whats the alternative if i dont grit my teeth and get on with it my little angels will die and that i would not cope with at all :(

i have a cold fear run through me everytime alvin doesnt run over and buzz me, but hes my little bundle of **** gut and i wouldnt want him to of ended up anywhere else.

i also tell myself it will be over, he will be better he has been the other 4 times this year :D
Yes I started sobbing when I got back from the vets earlier, 3 days of stress and fear came spurting out!!

I HATE the force feeding!! and I can't imagine how traumatic it is to have to give daily meds indefinately :( but yes Id do anything for them!

Daisy has had 3 stasis episodes this year and one when she was admitted so I expect it of her not Dudders and like you I watch her like a hawk with that gut churning fear if she hesitates to eat for even a nano second!
Poor Donna, they have been playing you up badly again haven't they:?

I'm glad to hear they seem better again, for now at least, she says not wanting to jinx anything.

Poor Loki gave me a scare. He managed to lose his tail:shock: Well the bone was there, just bare bone:shock: I was imagining all sorts of dreadful things like a rat had eaten it but the vet said he must have caught it on something. And of course he is so strong that if it was caught he must have pulled really hard. So he has now had it amputated. I was so worried about him with the anesthetic because neither of the best vets were there, and the one I thought was going to do it was the one who lost his brother when he was neutered:( But someone else did it and he is fine, all healed, just tailless:( He had such a marvelous long tail. Poor lad. He had to spend Christmas inside, but is happily back outside in his nice big run now.
Poor Donna, they have been playing you up badly again haven't they:?

I'm glad to hear they seem better again, for now at least, she says not wanting to jinx anything.

Poor Loki gave me a scare. He managed to lose his tail:shock: Well the bone was there, just bare bone:shock: I was imagining all sorts of dreadful things like a rat had eaten it but the vet said he must have caught it on something. And of course he is so strong that if it was caught he must have pulled really hard. So he has now had it amputated. I was so worried about him with the anesthetic because neither of the best vets were there, and the one I thought was going to do it was the one who lost his brother when he was neutered:( But someone else did it and he is fine, all healed, just tailless:( He had such a marvelous long tail. Poor lad. He had to spend Christmas inside, but is happily back outside in his nice big run now.

poor baby dont have much luck does he. silly boy bet he forgot he had head tilt as he charged about trying to impress the wifebun and managed to lose his ickle tail :roll: so glad hes ok tho, i luv him :love::love::love::love::love:

cant imagine a tailess bunny tho :? :oops:
Yes I started sobbing when I got back from the vets earlier, 3 days of stress and fear came spurting out!!

I HATE the force feeding!! and I can't imagine how traumatic it is to have to give daily meds indefinately :( but yes Id do anything for them!

Daisy has had 3 stasis episodes this year and one when she was admitted so I expect it of her not Dudders and like you I watch her like a hawk with that gut churning fear if she hesitates to eat for even a nano second!

i think it helps to cry... gives that nice numb feeling after :lol::lol:

im actually glad it pearl i have to give the drugs to, there is no way in this life i would be able to get them into Alvin :oops:
:lol: Dudley doesn't like being picked up either! I have become a master at wielding a towel and wrapping him up like a snuggly sausage!! Have you tried a towel? I have visions of Alvin rearing up and ripping the towel to shreds :lol: Dudley doesn't move once it's placed over him!!
:lol: Dudley doesn't like being picked up either! I have become a master at wielding a towel and wrapping him up like a snuggly sausage!! Have you tried a towel? I have visions of Alvin rearing up and ripping the towel to shreds :lol: Dudley doesn't move once it's placed over him!!

Alvin chewed a hole in the towel, then started on my jumper, inches away from my fingers :shock::shock:

it does make him less springy tho :lol::lol: and i cant ever seem to find his mouth with him being jet black... xmas morning i got ste to grab him and i found that more awkward than doing it myself... i get all shakey and i cry loads but eventually i get drugs in. i have to get him in the carrier first too.. good job hes small really lol
:lol: I wasn't far wrong then! Dudley has one little bolt hole I can't get to and stands his ground grunting and doing a Mike Tyson impression :lol: I know what you mean about his little black mouth.. v difficult to locate, it's all endless black furryness! I have a brave friend who is great with helping with the meds and feeding Im pants on my own I squirt stuff everywhere but in his mouth!!
:lol: I wasn't far wrong then! Dudley has one little bolt hole I can't get to and stands his ground grunting and doing a Mike Tyson impression :lol: I know what you mean about his little black mouth.. v difficult to locate, it's all endless black furryness! I have a brave friend who is great with helping with the meds and feeding Im pants on my own I squirt stuff everywhere but in his mouth!!

alvin has learned if he snatches the syringe from me and throws it i give up for another hour.. hes also learned that eating a strand of hay when i sit in the cage also gives him another hour :roll:

too smart on his wish to die that one :( i now beleive cucumber and banana are my saviours... oh and fibreplex is over rated.. avipro mixed in banana works just as good (i ran out of fibreplex days ago :lol::lol:)
:lol::lol: :censored: off bunnies are so funny! I can't help but laugh when they have a strop and grab things and fling them!! Dudley has spent some time sitting in the hay basket concentrating on the job, to no avail unfortunately, but clearly I can't interupt such attempts!

I noticed you use cucumber a lot Ive never tried it, I assumed that like lettuce it might give them runny pooh... altho Id even settle for that right now!
:lol::lol: :censored: off bunnies are so funny! I can't help but laugh when they have a strop and grab things and fling them!! Dudley has spent some time sitting in the hay basket concentrating on the job, to no avail unfortunately, but clearly I can't interupt such attempts!

I noticed you use cucumber a lot Ive never tried it, I assumed that like lettuce it might give them runny pooh... altho Id even settle for that right now!

i only give a small chunk twice a day but @ 96% water and me unable to syringe anything into the demon its worked quite well.. the other day his tummy made the im drinking noise as he ate it :love::love:

no runny poops yet, but some lovely moist(ish) non-stasis ones have been coming out :D:D:D
Oo right I'll get some after this weekend and give it a go, I daren't try new stuff before this weekend! I've also got some of SarahPs peppermint tea to try!!
i havent found a worse feeling than the gut twisting feeling i get when Alvin is in stasis.. theres been loads of poops today and hes really greedy again :D

i told ste about all the poorly bunnies right now and he really thinks its the weather, maybe house bunnies not getting a proper coat are more sensitive to the sudden drops in temperature :?

Aww donnamt - big hugs. Thank goodness Alvin is back on track again!!:D:D:D
I couldn't agree with you more about stasis being a living nightmare. I'll own up to crying my eyes out on many occasions in the past, before Thumps had regular dentals. I also blamed myself a lot but it really isn't our fault - honest. Some buns have very sensitive guts.

FHB speaks of some stasis buns having a sharp angle in the gut which kinks easily for upper gut probs.

One of my vets agrees with Ste. about the sudden temp drop. I leave the heating on in "our" "bedroom/hutch" 24/7 to about 15 C now. Thumps likes to lie where the hot pipes run under the floor boards! It's interesting that we're having problems "starting up" Thumper's eating again after the last dental, & also have very cold weather. My brain can't cope with remembering it all!!!

In honesty Alvin goes into stasis at any time of year, but may be worth trying temperature control, to see if it improves his recovery time.
Everything crossed for plain sailing now :)