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Rudy.... U/D He is gone

I had a txt of Laura this morning and she said she missed seeing his little face when she came downstairs and Soph as been quiet too. We still can't believe he is not here. David & I are just so pleased Rudy met Laura and had a real chance of happiness and everything he ever needed.

Awwww, bless her, it really is difficult, especially at the beginning. You get into such a routine with them, makes it more difficult when they are not there.

He was so loved and spoilt
Deepest sympathy to you Laura - I don't know you but I wish you comfort from your other pets.

Bless xx
Thanks everyone :cry:

Lian, it was strange this morning and actually a bit strange as I type as hubby has just given Sophie her veg... seems odd to to have one bowl to give out. I have put his favourite teddy on top of the tv...

Thank you everyone for the support, I know noone else really understands (ie friends) the love that a bunny can bring, so it has been lovely being able to open up on here and share things that some people would think I was bonkers for.

I also want to say a special thank you to kayj, she was there every step of the way for me yesterday and actually all week while Rudy had been poorly. I am convinvced that I woke her up yesterday (when she tells me that I didn't) whilst I was in floods of tears that Rudy's metcam hadn't worked. I also know how precious Rudy was to Kay and David and how hard it must have been for them as well... thank you xxx
Honest you didn't;)::oops::lol::lol::lol:
I don't need thanking for anything I will be always here for you and Thanks to Rudy I have gained a valuable friend:D
Laura - I am so sorry, hugs n love from me smokie n archie - we know how much you cared for your buns