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Rudy.... U/D He is gone

I can't believe it! When I saw the title I gasped out loud.
I am so, so sorry - as has been said he was a forum favourite :cry:
I was so shocked to read this thread. I can't believe that Rudy has gone.

At least he spent the last part of his life living in luxury with Sophie. He had a wonderful home and care.

Thinking of you Loops.

I'm so sorry :cry: *hugs*
I just gasped when I read the title. At least he's at peace now.

Binky free little guy. I miss you xx
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I am so sorry to hear this Laura!

Rudy has always been a recognisible character on RU! He will be sorely missed. Hugs to you!

:cry: oh laura i am so so sorry........hugs to you and binky free rudy.

i cant believe only recently there was a post about his snoring and we couldnt believe how something so small could do what our frenchie bertie does...:(

litle rudy has had alot of bunny souls to accompany him......he wont be lonely and will be other ru buns no doubt.xx
I'm so sorry to hear that Rudy passed away, I know he was very special to you and you will miss him a lot. :cry:
I coouldn't believe it when I looked in Rainbow Bridge. Both my o/h and I had a little cry over the beautiful trribute to Rudy.
He was a very special bun, and won't be forgotten.
I had a txt of Laura this morning and she said she missed seeing his little face when she came downstairs and Soph as been quiet too. We still can't believe he is not here. David & I are just so pleased Rudy met Laura and had a real chance of happiness and everything he ever needed.