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Alpha Buck
I'm so sorry, Ruby.

I knew you were ill when you wouldn't eat your pellets. I took you away from the others and tried to feed you on your own, pellets, greens, anything you normally like, but you turned your nose up at them all. You let me noserub you when normally you would throw a tantrum and headbutt me if i even tried. When you started wheezing I gave up trying to get food into you and rushed you to the emergency vet in the middle of the night, but nothing they could do was enough to save you.

You were the most beautiful bunny, you cuddled and loved to groom me, and you even made Lucifer behave herself when she was near you. You were only three, and you were absolutely fine and happy right up until the last few hours. I'm sorry I didn't save you.

Goodbye, Ruby.
