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Ruby is back from her spay....when will i expect to see poops!


Mama Doe
I got Ruby back at 6pm yesterday the vets said she came round from the sedative at about 4. She has barely eaten anything but the vets gave her some fibreplex yesterday and I managed to give her a dose last night. This morning's dose is not going well...probably becasue she is more awake, she keeps trying to jump away but i don't want to hurt her so i am not holding her too hard. She has had a couple of nibbles of carrot tops this morning but that is all. She has weed about 3 or 4 times but still no poo. I have a follow up appointment at the vets tomorrow morning, but they said if she has not eaten today or looks ill to give them a ring.

She seems quite bright, currently ont he bed being stroked by my boyfriend and loving it. She has done a little bit of hoping around. She is in an indorr cage in my bedroom at the moment as it is nice and warm in there.

Also she is teeth grinding when she is being stroked...does this mean she is happy? Matt is being very gentle stroking her so i don't think she is in pain, she is closing her eyes and doing it. I ahve never heard her do this before.
Have you got pain killers to give her?

That sounds about right for my spays, but they always have pain meds to give daily. I wouldn't want to leave one of mine like that without pain meds. I would suggest taking her back to the vets today and getting some pain meds if you haven't got any.

What have you been trying to tempt her to eat with? Have you tried grass? dandelion leaves? Parsley? (if she is used to them). Keep going with the carrot tops, those are probably good for her and easy to eat. Hydration is probably more important because she will be dehydrated from the GA, is she drinking?

no, no pain meds from the vets.

she has pellets, a fenegreek crunchie and hay in the cage with her. She also has a bowl of cabbage, cale, broccoli and a carrot top. I tried her with grass and dandilion last night but no interest, i will try again this morning. I have never given her parsley but i can have a go!

She is drinking out of a bowl and a bottle. The vet said to try pineapple juice if she doesn't drink, but she is having quite a bit of water at the moment so I haven't tried pineapple.

She is also cleaning herself and has hopped around a little bit.

**ooo she has just eaten a bit of carrot top.
she has now eaten the leafy bits off another carrot top, a little bit of parsley and about 7 or 8 blades of grass. We are having quite a fight with the fibreplex, i have wrapped her in a towel but she is having none of it! the best thing seems to be to cover her feet in it and she is liking this off but she looks such a mess now, covered in sticky bits!

still no poops. lots of wees though.

I called the vets a couple of hours ago but they said if she seems pretty bright then to just keep tempting her with more food and they will see her in the morning.

The wound looks ok.
It's good that she is sounding better, although I really think the vets should have seen her today for some more pain relief.
I'm not surprised she doesn't like the fibreplex, it's gritty and oily (i tried some this week). It's supposed to be carrot flavoured...It is good stuff though :)
yes im not to pleased about the vets not seeing her today :(

lol so you ahve tried the fibreplex? i was looking at it wondering if it tasted sweet as it looks like sticky syrupy sweet stuff. Odd that the makers think a bunny might like a carrot flavoured medicine, well not odd really but i think it is, like when i saw chocolate flavoured kitten and puppy wormer.
yes im not to pleased about the vets not seeing her today :(

lol so you ahve tried the fibreplex? i was looking at it wondering if it tasted sweet as it looks like sticky syrupy sweet stuff. Odd that the makers think a bunny might like a carrot flavoured medicine, well not odd really but i think it is, like when i saw chocolate flavoured kitten and puppy wormer.

I have tried most bunny meds and I really can't recommend this one! slurp!