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Ruby and Oscar...u/d...poison.

dear ali
i've only just seen this. i am so sorry. whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. you are the most responsible person ever. thinking of you. hb xxx
Thank god! Ali is turning her boiler off, thank you Ali, I really hate to be a pain but I was so worried! CO (carbon monoxide) alarms can break easily, there is no NORMAL reason for both buns to go like that, and it is DEFFO NOT YOUR FAULT, whatever has happened.

Please, just keep yourself safe and get a PM done so you can know what they holy hell has happened.

I am so so so so so sorry for your loss, if you need me, please, just text, I will go any distance for you, it will take me 3 hours, but I do not care, I am here for you, always, you know that.

clutching at straws until the PM but is there any chance your neighbours had rat poison put down? i remember my mom had to call out the council once ans she wasnt allowed to let the dog or cat out just incase they ate some poison.

its the cruelest twist of fate for you to lose these two and i really hope you get an answer why :cry: :cry: :cry:

hope you have some other form of heating for you and your little man tonight xxxx
I am also thinking they have got to and eaten something they shouldnt have...surely if it was carbon monoxide they would have been unwell?

how very very sad :cry:

I do hope you get closure:(
I'm so sorry Ali. :cry:

Ivy doesn't kill instantly, it would take alot to make them really poorly.

I'm glad you have turned your boiler off, is it a proper digital alarm or just those disks?
I would get it checked by an engineer just to be on the safe side.

Could they have been electrocuted at all? Any wires or electricals in the room?

VHD is a possiblity, I have also heard of vaccinated buns dying with similar signs of it being VHD recently.

I'm so sorry you have lost them both.

Thinking of you.
I'm so sorry Ali. :cry:

Ivy doesn't kill instantly, it would take alot to make them really poorly.

I'm glad you have turned your boiler off, is it a proper digital alarm or just those disks?
I would get it checked by an engineer just to be on the safe side.

Could they have been electrocuted at all? Any wires or electricals in the room?

VHD is a possibility, I have also heard of vaccinated buns dying with similar signs of it being VHD recently.

I'm so sorry you have lost them both.

Thinking of you.
Just thought I'd add my OH sends his deepest sympathies to you. He can't believe both of them, just like that.

Also for the sake of Eddie & Ol (and your piece of mind) would it be better to get a pm done? Just to know how it happend? I know it's painful but for both of them go... :cry:

I can only hope they went together, peacefully :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm so sorry Ali. :cry:

Ivy doesn't kill instantly, it would take alot to make them really poorly.

I'm glad you have turned your boiler off, is it a proper digital alarm or just those disks?
I would get it checked by an engineer just to be on the safe side.

Could they have been electrocuted at all? Any wires or electricals in the room?

VHD is a possibility, I have also heard of vaccinated buns dying with similar signs of it being VHD recently.

I'm so sorry you have lost them both.

Thinking of you.
I'm so sorry Ali. :cry:

Ivy doesn't kill instantly, it would take alot to make them really poorly.

I'm glad you have turned your boiler off, is it a proper digital alarm or just those disks?
I would get it checked by an engineer just to be on the safe side.

Could they have been electrocuted at all? Any wires or electricals in the room?

VHD is a possibility, I have also heard of vaccinated buns dying with similar signs of it being VHD recently.

I'm so sorry you have lost them both.
Just thought I'd add my OH sends his deepest sympathies to you. He can't believe both of them, just like that.

Also for the sake of Eddie & Ol (and your piece of mind) would it be better to get a pm done? Just to know how it happend? I know it's painful but for both of them go... :cry:

I can only hope they went together, peacefully :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
its the cruelest twist of fate for you to lose these two and i really hope you get an answer why :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is so true. I cannot believe what has happened, poor Ruby and Oscar, poor you, I am so so sorry. I can't think that this could have been your fault in any way at all - please don't think bad of yourself.

My thoughts are with you, take care xxx

I really do feel for you, you must be so shaken up... try and get some sleep. It was so sudden, there's nothing you could have done. I am hoping hard for both your sake and your other bunny's sake that it is not VHD or Carbon Monoxide. Take care of yourself xx