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Resurgence of hormonal behavior in neutered male

So, this morning, I had the unpleasant surprise to find my male, Tybalt, making that weird nuptial parade noise and trying to mount Aki who was having none of it. I don't understand it: Tybalt was neutered more than 2 and a half years ago, he has been living with Aki (7 year old female, spayed) ever since and it's the first time it's happened. It has never happened with my previous rabbit either.

For now, Aki is just fleeing while Tybalt is chasing (he seemed to calm down during the day, but I heard the cooing noise from him again just now) but I really don't like it especially since Aki is blind. What's happening? It's not even spring!
He could be asserting dominance. Is it possible there is another animal visiting the garden/near the cage that could be upsetting him? Any new rabbits to the home etc.

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Fiver does this all the time. He's 9 and was neutered at 5 months old. He's just a git. Haha.
I wouldn't worry unless it persists and the other bun is getting stressed about it. I have a trio and one reason why I did that was so Fiver's attention wasn't focussed on just one bun. So he now chases both of them about but it does seem that it's helped because he no longer harasses poor Xena. She has poor vision and isn't too steady on her feet after suffering a seizure caused by e.c. :( So this makes it even more vital.

I'm not suggesting that a trio is the answer but "hormonal" behaviour isn't totally unusual and can be triggered by many things. New furniture, new animals, change in weather, illness etc etc. Perhaps a trip to the vets for them both for a check over will rule out the latter.