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Recovery after spay? *Skye's now home*


Mama Doe
Skye is at the vets just now getting spayed, I've to call at 2pm to see how she is getting on and to find out when I can bring her home.

Just wondering how long it takes after to op for her to fully recover and her hormones to settle? When will she be recovered enough to try bonding her with Joey again?

(I'm knackered! Got home from Turkey at 4.30 this morning and have had 3.5hrs sleep!! I can't get back to sleep, worrying how she is getting on!)
post subject

My beebie was spayed on friday, kept her in a seperate hutch that night, the next morning put her in her grass run and she was looking very unhappy.

That night I put her companion in with her and she imediately cheered up and they have been together ever since.

She`s been hoping round her hutch and has recovered much more quickly than i thought, I think if they have companions it better to keep them together, but it is a worry to think `am i doing the right thing!!!!!!`

You know your rabbit and do whats best for them, as everyone is different.

I hope all go`s well
She's not bonded with Joey at the moment, they just see each other through the bars. I tried to bond them before but Skye wouldn't stop humping Joey and this scared Joey and at first he was biting/scratching her. They had a few more meeting where there was a lot of fur pulling and chasing but I thought it would be better waiting till Skye has been neutered (she might calm down a bit).

Just need to know when her wound will be completely healed and her hormones more settled?
I'm not experienced with spays, but I'd say she'll probably feel a bit miserable for about 48 hours after the op, after two weeks her wound should be satisfactorily healed, by 4-6 weeks her hormones should have subsided.
Hiya folks

I'd be real careful about bonding the bunnies together too quickly as a spay operation for a girlie bunny is quite a big operation and you'll need to ensure that the wound in knitting together properly.

When Buffs was done (albeit she wasn't bonded with a bunny at the time) - she was kept nice and quiet for a least a few days and in an area where she was unlikely to jump about too much to disturb her stitches and its just not worth the risk in her having to go through the further ordeal of having to be re-stitched.

You'll need to ensure she is eating, drinking and pooing o.k and also check the wound twice daily to ensure she's not pulled at them.

Personally I'd Just give her a little time and it she can see and smell her intended partner that should be good company until she is well enough for you to continue with the full bonding process.

Sending a snuggle to your bunny - I'll bet she'll be real glad to be back home with her bunny mum :wink:
If they were already bonded (which I know they weren't) I would have said keep them together.
Spaying is a major operation and if it was a human we would advise 6 weeks rest. Fortunately animals are far more resiliant than we are and it should be OK to put them together after 10 days. If things get too excitable you will have to keep them apart for a bit longer so she doesn't injure herself. Little bit of activity is fine.
As for her hormones - there's no way of knowing how long they will take to calm down. We have had girls who have calmed down by next day and others who have taken a couple of weeks. Never seems to take as long as it does with boys though. x
I would agree with lany, after pan was done i waited for 4 days before i let her outside and then a futher 6 before bonding her with Toffee, Holly and Velvet.

It is best to wait about 10 days after the op which is rufly when her scare will be healed.

Good luck lil Skye and big hugs for Julie, keep us updated XX
Thanks for the replies. I'm in no rush, just don't want to hinder Skye's recovery.

*goes off to call the vet to see how wee Skye is getting on*
Hope it all goes well, Hermione is having hers done tomorrow. I'm a bit worried about the heat affecting her recovery.

Aaargh, I'm such a worrier! The vets number is engaged.

....They would have called me if there was a problem... wouldn't they?
Called the vets, their words were 'basically she is still stoned!' (technical term!?)

She's very jittery and jumpy and scared of them, she hasn't eaten anything but they have given her fluids, pain killers, anti biotics and gut mobility stuff (totally forgot what it is called after she said it).

I'm very worried that this is stressing her out too much. I've to go an pick her up at 5pm. My poor wee baby! :?
Oh Julie! don't worry to much hun, being at the vets with people they don't know can be a little worrying for them but once you get her home she will calm down, if she doesn't eat do you have some sience recovery you can syringe feed her?

If I was getting a girl spayed (thankfully my 2 boys were ready-done!) I would prepare as for an attack of gut stasis, as this is usually the complication that causes problems - probiotic, recovery mix or pellets to mush up, painkiller (metacam if your vet will give you some - quarter of a soluble asprin if not) and lots of tempting veggies/grass/herbs to get her eating again in spite of pain she may feel after the vets anaesthetic wears off (24 hours) - and of course a couple of syringes to administer water and recovery/pellets if she's really off colour after a couple of days - some apple juice to put in the water will encourage her to drink too, as will putting water in a dish as well as a bottle for her.

The vet will prob have given her subcutaneous stitches and maybe glued the wound to stop her pulling out her stitches, but if not make sure she doesn't pull them - wrapping a clean discloth around and enclosing it in the leg of a pair of tight is (I've been told!) a good way to stop her chewing :?

But hopefully she won't need any of the above :)

As she's not bonded I would give her a couple of days without the stress of another rabbit nearby, but then put him near her cage/pen/whatever so she gets used to his smell - I wouldn't try bonding for a couple of months, to let her hormones go down - more haste less speed?
I've got science selective which I can mash up, or does it have to be the science recovery? What size of syringes are best? Can you buy them in the chemist or best to get them from the vet?

I'm going to the supermarket to stock up on her favourites, I left carrot and brocolli at the vets for her but she's not going for that. I'm going to get some nice herbs for her.
Hey julie you can make your own kinda recovery mix, just pur some ss and brocoli in a mixer and add water until it goes sloppy! You should be able to buy small syringes from the chemist put you can buy them in packs from P@H.

Julie i could put a sachet of SR in the post for you tonight if you like but you might not get it until wednesday and she needs to start eating right away XXX
Julie, try not to worry, she'll probably feel spaced out for the rest of today, if not tomorrow as well. It's important you keep her gut working, try and get her to eat some hay, do you have any Critical Care you can give her?
I'll ask the vet if they have some science recovery or critical care that they can give me, if not I'll make some with Phill's blender idea.

Phill, thanks for the offer. Hopefully vet will have some. :D

I am worried about her pulling her stitches, she usually gets into everything and chews everything! My friend used the leg of a pair of tights when her kitten was done and that worked. Hopefully she won't be interested in pulling them out!!
Lynsey said:
Hope it all goes well, Hermione is having hers done tomorrow. I'm a bit worried about the heat affecting her recovery.


Good luck with Hermione's op tomorrow!
Think I'm about as stressed out as Skye must be!!
Pan chewed her stitches out after three days, don't worry about it by that piont they usually have enough of a scareto cope without the stitches. If she does get them out and the wound opens just put a peice of clean cloth over it and tie a bandage round her middle to keep it in place and then get her tp the vets and they can have a good look and stiche her back up XX