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Rexy bexy

Mama Doe
last nite we sadly lost Radar or gary as my friend named him lol, i noticed last friday he has got bloat, no idea y, may have been due to firewrks but he didnt seem bothered by them but i supose u jus cnt tell :( he was only 5 months old and was a super little boy, he even made friend with cheeky who is an older male rabbit, an unusual sighting to see 2 older unrealted males get along with each other altho there didnt live together they wud play in the garden togehter. Unfortuanatly after all our nursing he jus gave up as he wudnt take any fluids or food not even baby food and i knew when i went to bed last nite that i he most probs wudnt make though to the morning so gave him a cuddle and a kiss and put him down to rest. At leat now he isnt suffering as we cud c he was in pain.




