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Rabbits New House!


Young Bun
Hi Everyone,

My lovely bunnies are moving to their new house this weekend - in the garden eek!
They have a lovely big hutch with a run attached, we have double meshed the front and added an extra bolt so it should be safe!

I am still a little worried about foxes as there seem to be a lot about at the moment - plus of course them getting chilly as they haven't been outside before - any tips would be very welcome!

Thank you!
Sounds great, regarding tips for winter and cold nights, i use 'Snugglesafes' that are heated in the microwave, loadsa straw (keeps them warm and insulates) I also cover the hutches at night with taupauline to keep the damp out but saying all this i usually find them sat in their runs:roll:
thank you = have just been looking at snugglesafes on ebay, they look good!
We are planning on covering the outside of the run with thick, waterproof material when we put them to bed at night so they should be ok

I am probably worrying about nothing, but you hear such terrible stories about buns being taken by foxes in the night and I am going to dread going out every morning to check on them!